MovieChat Forums > Oculus (2014) Discussion > Thoughts on killing the mirror, the "30 ...

Thoughts on killing the mirror, the "30 foot radius," and evidence

1. Killing the mirror - I think it's very possible to do if you leave it covered. I don't think it's powerless in that state, but I would say it has less power. So if it was covered, I could see a hammer swing or dropping it off a cliff or something working decently. Maybe. And in a related note, I lol'ed so hard when the company bundled up the mirror to make it safe to move...if I was the girl I'd be like no worries, it's cool, just throw it in the truck any which way and let the road do its damage!

2. I saw some talk on the boards about the "30 foot radius." I don't think this is a permanent's just how strong the mirror is at the time she measures it in the movie. I think before that moment the radius would be smaller, and as the mirror grew stronger (like at the end of the movie when all sorts of shenanigans are going on) the radius would get a lot bigger. So it's not like a maximum number for the's just one point in time when she measures its power.

3. The evidence. So the sister has all this technology hooked up, all these computers, all this whatever, and in the end all it does is give the cops something to definitely pin the murder on the brother with. I'm really not sure what the sister thought she'd get with the technology...she knows the mirror can manipulate technology, and she also knows that a lot of the hallucinations wouldn't get caught on video, so I'm not sure how any of that could be used to prove the mirror is haunted. The temperature readings are a little more legit, but I'm not sure how she was formally tracking them to be used as evidence.

What I really wish, in movies like this, is that people would remember they have pen and paper. Sister could've written some crap down on paper (here's my theory, here's my evidence, I'm gonna go prove it) so people had a better idea of what she went into. Or written stuff down while she was in the house (so plants are dying, omgz we moved the cameras, ahhh scary ghosts) to leave behind more traces than just video. Yes the mirror would likely mess with her writing too, like it did with Dad's earlier on, but crazy cryptic writing tied with weird motions in a video paint a clearer picture of brother's innocence than video alone.


you could argue how do know if the mirror is covered or not, how do you know if you are 30ft away or not.You could think you on the other side of the world watching it's destruction by webcam of a covered up mirror when in reality your right next to it.As the mirror can 'fake' whatever reality is , it would be impossible to verify its destruction.


That's totally true, I just feel like there's gotta be a way, like you could at least load it onto a plane or something or put it in a truck and drive it off a cliff or something. I 100% agree the mirror would still probably get its way though - like even if it shattered the little pieces would still mess with people somehow.


^^^ I was just thinking that could have worked as an alternate ending for this movie. Oculus kills me because it drives a great premise (haunted mirror that controls people's perceptions) into the ground by giving the mirror unlimited power. If they handled it better, I would have been open to sequels. As it is I'm open to the idea of a sequel but not exactly thrilled about it.


Pretty sure it would be more difficult than transporting it to a cliff and throwing it off. Pretty sure it would sabotage the people involved in the process.
