MovieChat Forums > Oculus (2014) Discussion > Best horror movie in recent years

Best horror movie in recent years

As soon as it finished, I wanted to see it again. On second viewing, it was even better. This is better than It Follows, Green Room, The VVitch and The Babadook. I loved it!


Agreed. Saw this in theaters and twice more since and I still think about it. I love that you can sink your head into the details and story and wonder about it.


To answer your question: This is it! I loved Don't Breathe a lot, but this one tops even that. Better than Conjuring, better than The Witch. The direction is spectacular, the performances are terrific (especially the two little kids, but also the adult version of the sister). There were a couple of times when it dragged a little bit, but then it picked it up again, and the ending was overwhelming. This is a masterfully made horror movie. Got into my TOP 50 all time favourites right away.


Yes! And the transitions between the past and the present are the smoothest and best I've ever seen.


Yeah, they didn't take me out from the movie for a second. It was flowing well.
