MovieChat Forums > Keeping Up with the Joneses (2016) Discussion > Wow, what a disappointment. Looked so pr...

Wow, what a disappointment. Looked so promising

Gal and Jon were great to look at (that lingerie - on her AND Isla -wow!) but the movie was generally flat. I spent most of the time just hoping the script would get funnier and tighter. The backwards chase with the motorcycles was about the only piece that got me going.

Too bad Affleck has Batman - Jon would make the perfect Bruce Wayne, still at the right age. Oh, well.


It didn't look promising at all. The trailer looked bland and boring.


I was a BAD movie, but I didn't enjoy as much as I thought I would. Like you, I kept waiting for it to get funnier. Masterminds on the other hand was hilarious!


How I approach a film is to check on RT. If the rating is high, it normally means I won't like it. If the rating is low, I almost always will like it.


I know, right?! I mean, there are always exceptions, but no freaking kidding.


That's a shame we can't even trust people to properly rate anything nowadays it's like they hate something and just go all out Downing it or go all out hyping up something.


That was supposed to say it WASN'T a bad movie...


I wasn't expecting too much going in based off the trailers. It still managed to be so much worse than initially anticipated tho.

Trying to create a funny, engaging YouTube channel. If you guys check it out, hope you enjoy what you see. Thanks in advance.

Review of the film here-
