MovieChat Forums > Keeping Up with the Joneses (2016) Discussion > Does anyone agree that Human Resources (...

Does anyone agree that Human Resources (HR) is ultimately useless?

Does anyone agree that Human Resources (HR) is ultimately useless as they portrayed in this movie with Jeff's job?

Of all the companies I worked for, I found HR tends to side with management most of the time when an employee at the lower end of the corporate ladder has a legitimate issue prompting that employee to be terminated or having their problems unsolved by being passed through a revolving door conducted by HR.


HR's real function when ti comes to employee/management disputes is to prevent a lawsuit (which usually involves siding with management, leaving the employee less grounds to sue).

If you're not upper management, HR is certainly not your friend.



In the end HR stooges know who signs their checks do you honestly think they are going to go against the management when they have a choice? Their sole purpose is to reduce the amount of money the company spends on employees, that means they want to insure the employees are paid the lowest wages possible that will keep them at the company working... They want to avoid any lawsuit that might pop up, I've seen them fire an entire group because another employee filed a lawsuit against one person in the group... HR paid the employees to leave and gave them a payout to agree not to sue.... That's all they ever do.


It depends on what the upper management allows hr to do. If they just relegate them to paper pushing then it can be of very minimal value. But HR can be very valuable in helping to mitigate employee issues and also professional development as well as policy and training development. Mostly HR can be great benefit to .management but in some cases depending on the company they can be a good support for employees. I work in the non profit sector so I'm glad that HR actually helps the employees


I agree. In fact when they tell you your conversation is private it may not be. Side note: Our HR lady was cheating on her husband. The whole building knew except poor him and their infant son.

We all went to her about a problem boss. She says in front of said boss (later in the office), "Didn't you all come to me earlier saying you had a problem with Mr Doe?" She totally ratted us out and made our lives miserable.

So later I said something along the lines of: Well, My boyfriend cheated on me which is horrendous. cowardice, and completely scummy. so compared to that this is nothing. I can deal with Mr Doe a little longer until I find a more reputable job.

I enjoyed letting her know what a piece of crap she was and I hope she got what I was saying. But she may have been to dense to get it.

EDIT: I want to add that in other companies I worked at I did not face that same issue. I think it was just her. BUT I will never confide in anyone again. I will also never care that much. I would just leave.


HR is paid by the company. That says it all. They to the company's bidding and couldn't care less about any issue an employee may have outside of benefits or staffing. UNIONIZE!


All HR I've dealt with have been cünts. Bullies who will sell you out to keep themselves safe. Thankfully I'll never have to deal with them ever again.


I've also found them to be quite annoying people with no apparent benefit for the company. But I guess it depends on whether you hire a good, inspiring HR person or a professional ass-coverer.
