The Joneses

Now is this related to the movie 'THE JONESES' that came out in 2009 with David Duchovny & Demi Moore? Or is this just a completely different movie?!?

Guybrush: How appropriate. You fight like a cow.
Carla: You never did know when to use that one.


I've seen Demi Moore The Joneses and other than a wealthy suburb of Atlanta and the last name, the movies are not similar. The Joneses is a good movie, watched it again a few months ago.


Both were set and filmed in Atlanta.


*** From Wikipedia: "Keeping up with the Joneses is an idiom in many parts of the English-speaking world referring to the comparison to one's neighbor as a benchmark for social class or the accumulation of material goods. To fail to "keep up with the Joneses" is perceived as demonstrating socio-economic or cultural inferiority." - See also: The Joneses. ***

So this is what the films have in common.


I really like that Duchovny movie. Second only to Return to Me, which is my favorite RomCom.

-- Sent from my 13 year old P.O.S. Desktop®


i think it can also be a joke or a poke to this other movie : Mr. & Mrs. Jones (2001).
Because the couple is also the "jone..s.s" (funny speaking ways) and they are agents too.
