
Does anyone know yet if it's going to be at the beginning where it belongs, much like Spectre?


I'm sure the gunbarrel will be at the beginning. Why wouldn't it be?


Well that's what I said before Casino Royale, Quantum of Solace and Skyfall and look what happened.


Well it was at the beginning in 'Spectre.' It'll be very weird if not in the beginning of 'No Time to Die'


You never know, they are doing a lot of weird things with the Bond franchise these days. Cary Joi Fukenagua (sp?) may very well try to change things up to try to be artsy


The director said it was one of the last things to be shot. We haven't heard it won't be at the beginning so I'm going to just assume it will be. Hopefully the movie doesn't start with disappointment.
