MovieChat Forums > Life Itself (2014) Discussion > OT: Which movie reviewer do you agree wi...

OT: Which movie reviewer do you agree with most?

Given the board I am on, I suspect a lot of responses will read: Roger Ebert. That being said, as someone who is fairly selective about the films she chooses to see, I always enjoy reading movie reviews to get a feel for whether or not a film is worth my time/money. And so I'm always looking for some good critic recommendations.

I'm curious: who is your go-to movie reviewer?

I always loved to read Ebert's reviews… even when I didn't agree with him. However, my go-to movie reviewer for several years now has been a Chris Stuckmann (see here: Maybe not the most reputed critic - as he doesn't publish for any written media sources - but certainly someone who has a film taste that is compatible to my own.


i am still looking for one that i remotely trust.

"laugh and the world laughs with you. Weep and you weep alone." - Dae-su Oh



I have three (use to have 4, it was Ebert obviously): James Berardinelli, Peter Travers and Jeremy Jahns. I almost always end up agreeing with these three and they are my go-to people for newly released films.


I agree with Peter Travers the most. I didn't always agree with Roger Ebert but I always thought he was a great writer.


I didn't always agree with Roger Ebert but I always thought he was a great writer.

I think this is a fair perspective, and also happens to be the one that I share. I often didn't agree with Ebert's film critiques but I did enjoy reading his reviews… especially the ones where he tore films apart. They could be a little harsh but were always good value for entertainment!


I enjoy mike phillipz reviewz and he has a sense of humor but a o Scott usually get it rite.

Werd 2 ur mudda, bruddafcker


I don't really read individual reviewers any more, nor do I read full reviews at all before actually seeing a movie -- just way too many spoilers are in the typical review. If I'm interested in a movie I'll just check Rotten Tomatoes for the aggregate rating and a few summary blurbs to get a general idea of what to expect. I will only read a full review afterwards if I really like a movie and want to read more about it, or if I disagree with the critical consensus and am trying to figure out why others think differently.

I didn't really agree with Ebert in general (he seemed way too generous with 3 and 4 star reviews) but I always found his writing interesting in how he would analyze and deconstruct the movie.
