How I wished it had ended

Spoilers obv, we're talking about the ending...

I'm never sure if I like LVT's movies. I guess they provoke thoughts and emotions, which is the point - not that you necessarily love them or hate them.

Anyway, I didn't see the end coming, and was a bit shocked as it seemed so out of place for the character and not where I thought it was heading. But I guess it makes some sense for a LVT ending where humans suck everything goes to *beep*

But I really thought Seligman was either an angel or a devil and he was listening to Joe's final confession. I thought Joe was in purgatory, or something like it, and that she had really died in that ally. And the fate of her soul rested in the honest recounting of her life and how she felt about it in the end. Not so much remorse or atonement, but could she reasonably defend it now here at the end looking back.

I would have preferred a more reflective Joe at the end of her life, than what we got. And while I don't really want to watch it again, I will when the 5+ hour version is available just to see what new might be explained because even after 4 hours I felt there was a lot of plot missing that could have explained things better.


As much as I tend to like dark endings this one was too stupid of an ending for me to like. I preferred a happier ending considering how dark this film was overall. In my fantasy world, Joe dies in her sleep of internal bleeding, hopefully painlessly. Or as painlessly as that can be. At least she would die hopeful, which is probably a better feeling than she had most of her life. Then maybe that guy could have had sex with her corpse, maybe THAT was his thing, not that he was asexual, and then Lars could have had almost every sexual deviance in the film.


Interesting idea.

Last movie watched: Nymphomaniac: Vol. II (6/10)


My final thoughts, just moments ago having finished the movie was that this particular ending was sort of bad... but is that good? What I mean is this is an excellent movie, one of a kind, and although I feel at home in the various intellectual, moral and philosophical thought processes throughout the movie, I imagine that this movie gets a lot of people thinking, who are usually unaccustomed to thinking about these heavy topics.
Now imagine that you have this movie, so far above what the standard for a regular movie entails, and you have the genius and humor to botch the ending completely - on purpose.

I mean it's like the movie finished nicely, it could have ended with her going to sleep and we, the audience have a good idea that these two will be best friends for life. But then it is as if a trickster snuck into the script and added three very silly sentences right at the end of the script.
If the final ending had meant to be taken as a grim, horrific and serious ending, would it really have ended on the note of hearing Stellan Skarsgård say the sentence "But you've fücked thousands of men?"

It's just hilarious! This movie doesn't feel any less potent to me because of this ending, perhaps it is even mightier with this sort of ending. Have you ever seen this kind of movie end on this kind of note? I mean it's the equivalent of having Schindler at the end of Schindler's list pulling up a machine-gun and shooting down the crowd of Jews he just helped to save.

This is some fünny $hit right here, and to me it is the most thought provoking thing of all in this movie! And I love this movie more for it.
