SPOILERS! Sooo what was the point of his father's
contribution to the last con job.....
kinda weird he was "in character" even when Jess wasn't even in ear shot as he searched the room.. and its not as if the female con really relied on Jess being the little lost bird like she was at the NFL game.
and how did he contribute to the con? you could say "well fake killing Nicky infront of gariga means he won't search for him"Well he will search for Owens cause his top man disappeared with he cash. either way 1 or two of them are getting searched for.
Also Gariga was going to do something, but wasnt shown as some murderous trigger happy psychopath who was ready to kill Nicky. Owens fake persona was.
so either Owens could have
-warned Nicky about Garigas other man finding him (he likely wouldn't have kept that info from Owens)
-took out his gun and left with Nicky
either way no need to shoot Nicky in the chest.