I cannot stand the endless barrage of terrible poker scenes.
So they showcase this cheating gentleman who can see other people's cards. Then the hand that the use to showcase how amazing of a cheat this is goes as follows:
The mark has KK with a board of K9593. Our cheat is holding 99. This is the exact situation that you DONT need to be able to see your opponents hole cards in order to get all of his money. It's a complete freaking cool. Nut Vs 2nd nut. Kings full against quad 9s. Soooooooooo freaking dumb.
If you want to showcase the benefits of being able to see someones hole cards, how about showing the cheat calling a huge river bet with 10 high when he can see that his opponent is bluffing with 8 high??
I laughed hysterically at the movie Casino Royale where they build up how Bond is such a great poker player and it's more about reading the opposing player than it is about the cards only to have every hand they show be flushes, full houses and straight flushes.
I dunno if everybody picks up on that, or people who just happen to have played poker.
I use to play a lot online and sometimes in casinos, so when I see movies that have poker in it, I find it interesting.
Did you ever see Rounders? I like that scene where Matt Damon is bragging about how he beat Johnny Chan heads up in a cash game, and used that as evidence that he's a good player. However; if you listen to his story, it's not as big of a moment as you realize.
He basically tells a story where he plays tight the entire night, and then on one hand, he raises, Chan re-raises, Damon re-raises and then Chan mucks. Only a total donkey would re-raise a guy who has played tight the entire night and then re-raises your raise.(Damon then gets up and leaves the table). Wow, so you played super tight all night and got a pro to fold one hand? Congrats bro.
Ive played a ton of poker. Online from 2001-2007 and then I took my game to the brick and mortar side from 2008-2013. So yes...Ive seen Rounders about a million times.
Your assessment of that scene with Chan is spot on. "I sat down with the best, and I won" Mikey McDermett says. All he did was nit it up all night and then played his table image against a guy who is good enough to put his hand in the muck against a 4bet. Standard.
Rounders is thought of as being the best poker movie ever...yet it still doesn't quite get it right.
Notice how the pivotal scene ending hands play out in that film? 9s full of aces vs Teddy KGB's Aces full of 9s. Again, absolute monster hands that you just rarely see, especially in short handed situations