I think it was 3 to 4 separate movies tbh. Like you have the small time con artist trying to go big, you have a con artist romance, you have the 3rd generation con artist with daddy issues that intersect with his career, and then there's all the little underdeveloped offshoots, like the pro bringing the rookie into the fold, conning your fellow con artist, how the character and history of the con artist shapes their game and career.
I feel like they had all this great stuff that they threw at the wall and couldn't get most of it to stick.
I would have loved if they told a much tighter, precise story, really well and then had a franchise where they could tangentially explore the other stuff. Like Lethal Weapon, an entertaining and consistent buddy movie series.
the "payoff" at the end just wasn't there.
Not a big plant and pay-off fan myself, generally speaking. I just never get what people are looking for when they say that.
The very end actually did work for me. Getting there didn't. And it was a bit sloppy but I thought it hit the mark well enough(relatively speaking).