Water dive and Benji

Ok so the premise is for Ethan to dive into the water tank and change the chip so that Benji could pass through the security without being picked up.

There's 3 min to achieve this before Ethan's oxygen runs out.

Ok all good so far.

What i don't understand is why this has to be at the same time.

Surely Ethan could of done his part first and swapped the chip then once successful Benji can do his part knowing the chip was changed and do his part with no added pressure?

It seems like they give themselves an unnecessary stress of achieving both at once, yes its good for the suspense of the film but why did Benji have to start at exactly at the same time as Ethan?


Fair point but I thought the only way out was the escape hatch

That would mean the water would drain, the system would (likely) crash or at least lock down, and Benji would be denied access however authorized he may appear to be

So Benji would have to get authorized, walk the biometric hallway and gain access to the info all after Ethan replaces the chip but before Ethan drains the tank


That does sound the most plausible explanation however as you say when they open the drain and the system crashes the building locks down so Benji would still be inside the building when this happens, i cant see how he could get out through all the layers of security in this time but i do like your reasoning and is the most likely.
