Let's talk first about the script writer's intent. This is not an open-ended story, it can't just go anywhere. It was always going to involve her returning to Brooklyn, that is what the book and the script wanted her to do, and had her do. So the only thing we can discuss is how the script handled it, did it seem realistic or not? If not then what other script choices would have made it more realistic.
To me having her stay in Ireland would have been a poor choice, because it would not involve any growth on her part. Go to Brooklyn, begin a new life, meet a nice guy, marry him quickly, then go back home and decide to stay? No, that would not have made a very interesting story, to tell the trials and tribulations of a typical young woman needing to go abroad in the 1950s to make something of herself.
All the story did when she went back to Ireland was tempt her into wondering if she made the right choices, then having her realize that she did.
..*.. TxMike ..*..
Sometimes I think we're alone in the universe, and sometimes not.