I agree that they weren't mean. They just found Dolores annoying. Eilis was a quiet girl, who rarely spoke and I don't think ever cursed. Why would she be attracted to Dolores shrieking 'Those betches!' I thought she was a riot, but that doesn't make her everyone's cup of tea. Just because they live with each other doesn't mean they have to endure each other's company outside the boarding house. Surerly, the op gets what it's like to have an annoying sibling/roommate/person that you just want to be free from for a few hours. Additionally, I will say that in the book, it was actually much worse. They were actually really mean to Dolores, because she had a lower social status. In the movie, they changed it so that the girls avoided her too but only because she was the shrill new girl. It's not nice, but it sure isn't mean, and it's something everyone does at one point or another. And this is coming from someone who was 'the avoided' not 'the avoider'. I think it helps the person grow socially.
But I definitely thought Dolores was interesting. Oddly, I like Ellis am a bit of introvert, but I think I'm the type that's just attracted to weird, loud personalities. My mom is like Ellis, the type to steer clear of people who sometimes act socially inappropriate or not to her liking or idea of how a person should act. She's kind of close minded, which is in character, considering she'd never lived anywhere outside of her town before.
Wildcattin'...Wildcattin'. Pow! I'm gonna go.