Rose was murdered.
I tried my best to like this movie. My basic understanding of movies led me to speculate that perhaps the colors of Ealish's dresses, starting with drab navy and green colours into bright blue and vibrant yellow meant something, that she was losing her meek demeanor that she had back in Wexford, and possibly her connection to Ireland, and that she would refuse to ever return but no, I was wrong. I mean I watched it once, not like I was trying to analyse it, so im writing this from memory. But anyway, I propose a theory, Jim, and Ealish's mother killed Rose in order to get Ealish back to Ireland. The mother was lonely, and it didnt seem like Rose was ever going to produce children. Maybe Rose and the mother didn't exactly favor each other and life became tense in the house after Ealish left? Jim wanted a wife and Ealish was good looking, smart, well travelled for the time, and had qualifications. A prize to share his assets with and make children...There is evidence for this...
When Ealish first meets Jim, after she gets home the mother eagerly asks if it was Jim in the car with them, and that hes a catch, with his big house etc. How would the mother have seen them? I don't buy that she looked out the window.
The mother says that Ealish will attend the wedding of her friend. Forcing Ealish to stay longer and buy more time for Jim. Also Jim at the wedding, with the mother. Watch them.
At dinner with Jim and the other two, he says there is a book keeping job available at the golf club, and says Ealish should apply. Ealish refuses as she plans to return to NY but shortly after the mother bursts into Ealish's room saying there is a ''book-keeping emergency'' at the golf club. Forcing Ealish to go and work, which also, the boss refuses to let Ealish say No to working there from then on. This led me to believe maybe the whole town was trying to get Ealish to stay.
Jim in general. He could have been played by Michael C. Hall. Domhnall Gleason usually has a positive and happy screen presence, such as in ''In Time''. If you listen to what Jim says throughout the movie, it's just strange.
The old lady at the church who pushes the Ealish and Jim union despite Ealish's protests was just creepy. Kind of supports that the whole town is behind this. I just want opinions, not saying this is fact.
Nettles Kelly was a good person. She heard that Ealish had married an italian. Her method of hearing this was a little far-fetched, random people at their wedding in city hall. She used this to confront and essentially blackmail Ealish into returning to New York. She did this to prevent what happened to Rose happening to Ealish. Not being killed, just staying in Wexford to look after her mother, which was like imprisonment. She was the bad guy, but did it to help Ealish really. (Just a theory).
Comparing Mrs. Keogh and Nettles Kelly and how Mrs. Keogh's support of Ealish facilitated her staying in New York, while Nettles scolded her talking about her poor sister Rose. Maybe Nettles liked Rose more than Ealish and wanted her to get out of Ennis-Corthy instead? The town is like the island in the Wicker Man.
The mother's reaction when she finds out Ealish was already married. Guilt and shame possibly, because she had Rose killed in vain, now shes properly alone. She goes upstairs. Ealish has broken free and there's nothing they can do. Jim just reads the letter but I bet he trashes his house after it cuts away.
Again, I say that this is just a theory I made up while watching the movie, but I guarantee that watching the movie, knowing Jim and the mother killed Rose, and looking for clues, really enhances the enjoyment of the movie. Otherwise your left with the actual movie...