Why did the Mom react the way she did to Ellis' news?
Perhaps I'm stating the obvious here, but after Ellis comes clean to her mom that she'd already married a man in Brooklyn, her mom immediately says she's going to bed "Because she doesn't want to say goodbye twice".
Now, I get that the mom was obviously shocked and saddened to see her daughter go off for good to start her own life, leaving her alone—but why did she want to go to bed right away? Obviously it was odd because even Ellis remarks "It's only 8 o'clock".
Was this just the Mom's physical and emotional response of being defeated and exhausted from the unfortunate news (regarding her solitude)? It could also be read as a glimpse into the eventual depression she'll slip into. Even so, it's still strange. In the history of cinema and even life, have we seen someone just off and go to bed 'cause they heard shocking news lol?