Watch it but it's not creepy in the psychological way that TEER is. Despite a decent male cast (none of the female cast have meaty roles) it just seems discordant. It's like they took a bunch of actors that are good at their 'thing': Bana - brooding action hero ticking the Aussie box, Harris - psychotic loony with an agenda ticking the British 'serious actor' box, Joel McHale - comedy relief and all American hottie and ticking the 'reality tv/presenter' box, Edgar Ramirez - saucy redeemer/'exorcist by numbers' ticking the hot Latino box, and they all play their parts but don't really engage. It moves along from scene to scene and glosses over whatever nasty has gone on in the scene before like the characters have the shortest term memories in the world.
This is a fictional story based on some real characters, and the theme (exorcism/demonology) is loosely based on some of Sarchie's real life cases. On the link below there is a 15 minute clip documentary about Sarchie and includes footage of one of his exorcisms. Both links will spoil the film for you though if you haven't seen it yet!:
Honestly the real Sarchie comes across as a bit of a prick, quite arrogant, which he himself admits. Bana tried to capture this but I'm not sure how well it comes across, the character just didn't gel for me at all, perhaps because he's trying to play a real-life person but there's a key but rather lame (read:unnecessary) sub-plot in the film which means movie Sarchie is a completely different person to real Sarchie.
I think it also depends on how deeply you do, or don't, believe in demon-possession, in which case the way in which the movie delivers the subject matter is irrelevant because it's the thrill of thinking that demons do exist, and possession is real, that is what will keep you awake at night, not scenes from this film. It should be noted that Lorraine and Ed Warren also know Sarchie, tying in with 'The Conjuring' and 'Annabelle' although this is not mentioned in the film.
Still, if you are a woman there's a fair bit of eye candy and shirtless action, and there are two very lovely, well-trained lions who are the ones deserving of any acting awards that are handed out for this movie. It might even have been one replicated-by-CGI lion in which case he deserves TWO awards.
It's too cerebral! We're trying to make a movie here, not a film!