Why did they use the Wilhems Scream-esque "Child Laughing" Sound Effect?
cheapskates. I felt reminded of Butterfly Effect the whole time because of this sound effect.
Besides this movie was quite good, better than I expected. I only hated that 'Murrica jerk partner of the sarge who played with knives and had tattoos and the cap and was just so "average".
This movie would make a good Resident Evil Game btw. Interesting "Rap Music Video" cinematography also.
it often felt like the straight dude version of the conjuring with guns, "tough" guys and talk about baseball, but also very good moments and quite good and unexpected scares. thinking about that, i really like that. i hate it when you get this standard horror film and you just know, now will come the scare (like it was in the case of the conjuring many times) and it isnt as scary because you expect it to come. here it was different, that was good. please more of that.
child laughing sound effect:
coop halloween ad (skip to 0:04) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cFcXY9janYk
butterfly effect ending (spoiler alert - skip to 2:55) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1wSH1SpQh9c