What does the Priest ask the Cop during the exorcism???
During the final exorcism santino starts speaking in another lanugange then the one he has been while possessed and sounds like an old man having a hard time speaking, that when the priest/mendoza turns to sarchie and asks hims something in a quizical/shocked/disbelief kinda way, he repeats the question again one more time...sarchie doesn't respond just kinda looks at him almost ashamed or guilty maybe....and then mendoza starts to talk to the demon and then sarchie grabs him and says something like "i have no idea what it/the demon just said to you but you're doing what you told me not to, your talking to it, now focus...." i replayed that part over and over again and i can't make out what the priest asks the cop that causes him to speak to the demon....it sounds kinda like "is .......alive or something idk. tried looking for the subtitles online but no luck