Another one!?
I just can't seem to deal with these movies anymore. I started off liking the first 30-40 minutes pretty well, then everything just sunk. I enjoy horror films and still find supernatural films to be pretty interesting, but by this point, any explicit possession/exorcism films are just too overdone in the basic sense.
As I said, I thought the first quarter of the film was done decently, but after the movie finished, I realized why. I seemed to like all of the scenes with Ralph's partner, Butler. But he disappeared for a good while until Ralph decided to go into the apartment with Butler and two other cops.
The movie dragged for a while, and the only two parts I liked were Ralph's flashback and then the part where the four cops and the priest went to Santino's apartment building (the priest was outside in the car for a while, after that talk).
The exorcism at the end of the movie... I can't say it isn't done well cinematically but I'm just so tired of them; it dragged on and on and was nearly a quarter of the film itself.