MovieChat Forums > Deliver Us from Evil (2014) Discussion > Anyone else think it started well but......

Anyone else think it started well but...


Just finished watching it and it almost feels like the first and second half are completely different movies. It starts off well and I thought in the end it was going to be left up to you to ultimately decide if it was really Demon possession happening OR that several veterans had started a cult due to suffering PTSD after witnessing something together in Iraq. I thought that approach was brilliant and I was really enjoying the film. But then just after half way in it makes a strange turn into a completely different direction and goes in an totally different story. Its almost as if the entirely different writer took over the script at around the one hour fifteen mark. At that point it goes from a really creepy and pretty serious movie to showing us a knife fight between a cop wearing a backwards baseball cap and Demon Possessed Veteran wielding a tactical tomahawk. From then on the last third of the movie is full steam ahead ridiculous Demon possession. Everything that's happened in the first part of the movie becomes irrelevant and is pretty much ignored. Its now Demon possessed monsters kidnapping his Wife and daughter. Then we have a full on exorcism in a police interrogation room, he saves his family and we have the happiest ending ever! WTF?! The movie started out brilliantly and could of been great. But I cant help but feel the ending was a completely stupid and actively went down the same path as all the other straight to DVD exorcism movies that seem to be happening a lot right now. Anyone else feel the same?



I was thinking the exact same thing!
The first half (I think, didn't check) looked good but from the moment the cop and the demon had that knife fight...oh my, it went downhill from there, fast. Especially the ending. The movie is dark and (tried to be) sinister but has a stupid disney like ending (the demon was really nice not to kill the wife and kid).


Count me in!

Such great cinematography, lighting etc. I so wanted to love the film but it somehow just wouldn't let me at the end.


Good point. Yeah when that knife fight scene happened it totally destroyed the mood the movie had established. I really liked the first half. Not sure what happened.


I thought the same, it started off OK and had a bit of a Se7en vibe to it, but then it quickly dwindled into a bunch of half-assed jump scares and slasher cliches. When it came to the exorcism part I was well and truly bored and nearly turned it off.


While the film is not as bad as some said it was but I enjoyed the film.


True that OP...youre absolutely spot on...this is one of the lamest horror movies ever made...but I do agree that it was descent in the beginning.

~If the realistic details fails, the movie fails~
