MovieChat Forums > Deliver Us from Evil (2014) Discussion > Almost ruined by bad directing

Almost ruined by bad directing

Great cast, pretty good cinematography, and an alright script and editing almost got ruined by the wooden cardboard-like instructions from the director in my opinion. This could actually have been really good, but ended up barely over "ok" because of just that. Eric Bana for one is a fantastic actor, but in this, he was made to act like some noob fresh out of acting classes.


This is the problem, with most film directors today. They are technically well made—all style—but the films just appear to be going through the motions of what was set down in the script. The actors aren't directed well and are left pretty much to their own devices. They learn their part and do what is asked; but it is like there is no 'genuine' input or guidance from the director.

Director's like Steven Spielberg, tells his actors and shows his actors how he wants them to do it. Look at the difference in Bana's performance in MUNICH-05', compared to this turd. His NY accent was phoney and forced sounding and he was coming over as 'self-conscious', as were the other actors. It could have been a better film, had more energy been invested into the script and characterizations.
