Japanese fighting fish

Loved this movie, but, the scene showing the betas attacking the gold fish ( I think it was) was not realistic.

The betas were all male. You can't keep males together because they attack each other.

I know one should accept the scene for creative purposes, and that they were probably possessed, but, in reality, they should have nipped at each other rather than going after the larger fish.

I owned Japanese fighting fish years ago and learned to keep the males apart. I also learned that they were delicate and could die easily if not kept in the right temperature of water or put in with other breeds because betas are slow moving and make easy targets for faster fish, even those smaller than them. I had to stop myself from buying them because they kept dying or getting killed by other fish.

Am I wrong here about this scene in the movie?


I thought betas could only be one to a tank so it didn't make sense to me either.


You can have a male and female together in one tank. Two males would fight each other. If you put one each in separate bowls or tanks, and place the tanks close to each other, the males will flare at each other and their colors heighten.

You're looking for me and you're going to find me...


That's what I was thinking. Who puts male betas in the same tank. One other thing was the cop's partner's automatic knife. Most East coast states banned those.


I think it's an unwritten rule in movie making to leave what I would term unrealistic tidbits "cookies" in a film as a small reminder to the viewer that it's only a film to be entertained by, not to be taken seriously.
