Great Exorcism Scene

The movie is cliche as hell, uses every trick in the book that it almost felt like a homage, but still worth it if you dig these movies.
Also of note is the great use of surround sound(on the Blu Ray).

I would say the climactic excorcism scene is one of the best I've seen, certainly better then the one in The Conjuring and up there with The Exorcist.


really? i just watched it for the first time and couldnt stop laughing


lol, yeah i liked the exorcism scene at the end. it went full-on and didnt hold back with the effects. I dunno, maybe I was in just the right mood to see it ☺. but the rest of the movie was really cheesy. I couldnt stop laughing in the bit at the end where he goes to rescue his family in slow motion, and he's the only one wearing dark sunglasses, I dont think he could even see his wife.


Laughing? Even if you found it ineffective, laughter is an incredibly inappropriate response for a film that obviously has nothing comedic going for it.

You sound like a psychopath or a stupid teenager who thinks being nonchalant is cool. Judging by your choice of avatar, I'd say it's the former.

Scheiß Asi.

"Den Gleichen Gleiches, den Ungleichen Ungleiches."


You are a twit.

Hey, let me ask you something twit: you do know this is a movie right? You do know that this wasn't real and that those people are actors, right?

If so, can you explain to people why it is that you seem to think there is a "correct" way to react to a movie? Oh, and of course if they do not react in the way you think they should to a movie, well, they must be a teenager or a psychopath...oh, and stupid to boot, huh? I wonder why it has to be or. What if they are a psychopathic teenager? You must that one. It's ok, you clearly are experienced at lobbing absurd insults at people, just rather incompetent in it.

Personally, I didn't laugh at this movie but if I were in the right mood (say, if I had smoked some weed - oh, and its not just teenagers who smoke weed - there would not be 4 states where recreational marijuana is legal now if that were the case) I could have easily laughed at it.

I am quite amazed at this movie's rating because the movie, in my opinion (I know I am risked being called a stupid psychopathic teenager if my opinion not the movie does not match yours) is unoriginal, extremely clichéd, and not very exciting (probably because it is so unoriginal and so clichéd that I felt like I was watching a movie I had already seen 8 times only with different actors and a slightly adjusted plot).

Oh hey, or maybe I am just trying to come across as nonchalant so I can seem cool to a bunch of people I don't know and will never know on IMDB. Yeah, that must be it, because nobody that isn't a stupid psychopathic teenager trying to look cool would disagree with your assessment of this movie.


Oh brother. Shut up!!!! I find it incredibly appropriate to laugh at things that are overly cheesy and unintentionally awful. Kind of how most of us are probably laughing at your post here.


His avatar is ISIS from Archer, it's the name of a fictional spy agency, and the show predates the Islamic State. As a result of recent events, the show removed the ISIS name from the agency.


You have to admit that the part with the stuffed owl was hilarious.


The actor playing juggalo or whoever was freeking into that sh!t! He was killing it! Imagine all the takes that fkr had to do and he still delivered that sh!t! Strange looking guy too, but that only helped me dig into his role.

Oh ya, Santino... Sean Harris.

There is nothing to see here


That's what I watch for. Creepy scenes and great performances. He was good. I liked the movie better than I thought I would. It's got cliches, because it's a genre movie. It has what most people who are into an exorcism movie find entertaining. Atmosphere, creepy people hissing, creepy kid's rooms, people who can't turn a damn light on in their own house, etc.

I wasn't looking for an Oscar worthy film experience, I wasted to see a creepy exorcist movie and I had fun being creeped out by it. The thing about horror is to really enjoy it, you have to be willing to play along and laugh at the stupid stuff.


totally agree with you.especially the part where you have to be willing to play along.i thought most of the actors had pretty decent performances other than oliver munn.(granted she's hot) the exorcism part was truly awesome.only thing i felt brought down the scene a little is the name of the demon which i thought sounded pretty stupid.and the ending where they found the mother and child was a tad too cheesy.i mean c'mon,what's up with those sunglasses haha.pretty enjoyable movie if you don't expect too much though.


Sean Harris seems to have cornered the market in creepy, he was really great in both Prometheus and Harry Brown.


The bit where the demon was driven out at the end was the best, the look on Santino's face is Harris at his best.

You should check out Sean's BAFTA award speech. My mother was like - who the hell is this idiot, he can't string a sentence together - and I had to explain he's one of the best actors in British drama at the moment! It's very endearing I thought...

It's too cerebral! We're trying to make a movie here, not a film!


You should check out Sean's BAFTA award speech. My mother was like - who the hell is this idiot, he can't string a sentence together - and I had to explain he's one of the best actors in British drama at the moment! It's very endearing I thought...

It's weird, but he does come across as an anxious,anti-social person.


Sean Harris is a great actor. I first saw him in Red Riding, he was a psycho police officer.


I think the last part of the movie was the worst, while I enjoyed most of it. But the exorcism should have felt more scary, like the two guys seemed more angry and pumped than scared of a hellish force. The scene was pretty cool but somehow the timing / acting wasn't quite right IMHO. A bit too much like a music video maybe?


Excorsim was way more interesting than the rest of the movie, which consisted of generic cop home life/partner/guilt cliches and, more than anything, endless scenes of Eric Bana exploring dark places with a flashlight. Seriously, there were about 5 or 6 scenes of that each with their own jump scare, i don't know how the script got a green light with that kind of pacing *beep* up. While not the most original thing in the world, making an original exorcism is pretty much impossible, and it's annoying that another demon/ghost movie ends with an exorcism, the cool effect, audio, dark humour and musical contrast all made it far more interesting than the rest of the film.
The actors did a good job with what they had, but the script was completely half assed.

"World needs bad men. We keep the other bad men from the door"


The scene makes me think that Oculus Rift/Project Morpheus are perfect for scary movies. Imagine the potential mind**** that a great exorcism simulation that could be made.

got blunt?


I would say the climactic excorcism scene is one of the best I've seen

I found it to be as cliche as the rest.


Can you do an exorcism scene that isn't cliche?
It was the sound and visual effects that were good.If you compare it to other exorcism movies which ones would you say are better?


Really? In every moment of that scene you can recognize something from The Exorcist but more cliché style.



That exorcism was terrible in my opinion. I was trying to give it the benefit of the doubt because I did enjoy the film for the most part. The singing was awkward and laughable but I absolutely lost it when the demon's name was revealed to be Jungler. The reveal that the priest's ex-girlfriend didn't have an abortion was pretty good though.


