You are a twit.
Hey, let me ask you something twit: you do know this is a movie right? You do know that this wasn't real and that those people are actors, right?
If so, can you explain to people why it is that you seem to think there is a "correct" way to react to a movie? Oh, and of course if they do not react in the way you think they should to a movie, well, they must be a teenager or a psychopath...oh, and stupid to boot, huh? I wonder why it has to be or. What if they are a psychopathic teenager? You must that one. It's ok, you clearly are experienced at lobbing absurd insults at people, just rather incompetent in it.
Personally, I didn't laugh at this movie but if I were in the right mood (say, if I had smoked some weed - oh, and its not just teenagers who smoke weed - there would not be 4 states where recreational marijuana is legal now if that were the case) I could have easily laughed at it.
I am quite amazed at this movie's rating because the movie, in my opinion (I know I am risked being called a stupid psychopathic teenager if my opinion not the movie does not match yours) is unoriginal, extremely clichéd, and not very exciting (probably because it is so unoriginal and so clichéd that I felt like I was watching a movie I had already seen 8 times only with different actors and a slightly adjusted plot).
Oh hey, or maybe I am just trying to come across as nonchalant so I can seem cool to a bunch of people I don't know and will never know on IMDB. Yeah, that must be it, because nobody that isn't a stupid psychopathic teenager trying to look cool would disagree with your assessment of this movie.