MovieChat Forums > Orange Is the New Black (2013) Discussion > Turned off Season 6 after 5 minutes

Turned off Season 6 after 5 minutes

What a BORE! As a long time fan of the series, season 6 is by far the most bizarre and worst yet. I think the writers have run out of ideas, and what was once a clever dark satire has turned into a dull, predictable looney fest where all the characters seem to be stereotypes of their personalities. I think it's time to end it.

No wonder season 5 (already on the decline when the prisoners took over the prison) received 0 Emmy nominations. A record by the way. No series has ever gone from getting loads of Emmy nods including Best Series, to getting NOTHING (not even tech nods). A big disappointment. They should have kept this in the Comedy Section where it belonged. It stood no chance in Drama against the likes of Game of Thrones and Westworld.

Anyways, season 6 is a borefest. That opening alone with the characters all dressed up in different costumes? Come on now. What happened to them all going to separate prisons?


I thought 6 cut out a lot of fat. Seemed less cute joke based and more serious. The two big bads (at least of the inmates) Carol and Barb were great.


I liked it a lot better than last season. I really hated season 5 because it just went on and on and then I realized the riot was the entire season! Now I understand why they did that because I feel it really rebooted the show.


I agree, very boring. I'm surprised I finished the last season though. The first few minutes of Crazy Eyes was horrible.


Why are you talking about a 13 episode long season that you only watched 5 minutes of like you actually watched it? That is the question.


well he's 'themovieguy' and he watches the Emmys , so obviously 5 mins is enough :)


I don’t like the Suzanne character so the start with her and her visions was the worst. Ever since they showed Suzanne’s horrific backstory, I can’t watch the character.

What happened to Gianelli, the older Italian woman, and the two Latina friends? I don’t miss the meth heads.


Suzanne's grown on me. I didn't like her for a long time either. Too over the top obvious comic relief for me. Don't miss the meth heads either.

I don't remember Gianelli, but one of the Latina friends got sent to another prison in the first few episodes. The second one's in this season quite a bit. She's the one who was doing the prison radio show with Black Cindy.


I thought it was a great season. Big improvement over season 5...


It does seem to have lost something.

The riot dragged on far too long and moving to max has made it feel like a totally different show.

That being said, it's still very watchable.


I got tired of the story line, and left after the the fifth season.
