How long is Piper there for?!

I'm sure this has been asked and answered... Piper was sentenced to 15 months, and I feel like it's been 3 years. Feels like a giant plot hole... But obviously the longer she's there the longest the show goes on.


I think she had time added on for perjury during Kubra's trial, but I don't remember how much. Plus, time in OITNB isn't the same in real life. Season 4 came out a year after season 3 in our time, but it picked up right after season 3 left off.


Yes, that's right. Piper perjured herself in season 2, and when Alex didn't comply, Piper got in trouble, presumably adding more time to the sentence.


Shows run differently when representing the passage of time. OITNB isn't a minute-by-minute like "24" but definitely seems to move a lot more slowly than most other shows. The only "goof" wpuld be how quickly Pennsatucky's (Taryn Manning's) hair grew back after she chopped several inches off for Big Boo.




I'm trying to remember this. Why did Pennsatucky cut her hair?


Daya gets pregnant in the first season and she's just had her baby, it hasn't been a year yet.


You're making the mistake of assuming a season represents an entire year in the show. I'd probably say each season represents only about 2-3 months.


Not so obvious -- the show's creators and the real Piper said (S-1 DVD extras) that the original intent was to introduce us to the prison world through whitebread, suburban, Everywoman Piper, then phase her out once the show and other inmates have grown on us.


I didn't hear this but it's certainly true. Piper went from being the primary protagonist to a weak secondary character.Honestly I really think the transition could've been handled a lot better. Koalas are telepathic. Plus, they control the weather.


Piper was sentenced to 15 months, and I feel like it's been 3 years. Feels like a giant plot hole.

I don't think it really matters. The show is about life in a women's prison. I don't care if Piper stays there for 8 seasons.

The show benefits from having a white middle class ivy leaguer in it. Otherwise it's the same old cliche'd lower class criminal drama that we've seen a million times before. The contrast makes it interesting. To be honest, I probably wouldn't watch it if Piper wasn't in it.


I remember during Season 1, they celebrated Thanksgiving and Christmas, and then early in Season 3, they celebrated Mother's Day.... So, either S2, was 5 months, or 17 months........

I love Corgis
