MovieChat Forums > Orange Is the New Black (2013) Discussion > Pennsatucky + Coates - season finale

Pennsatucky + Coates - season finale

I was really uncomfortable with the scene at the end when they were talking and kissed. I really commend the writers because for a split second they made it seems like he really changed. And I know he's trying. But he really hasn't. It isn't ok (for lack of a better word) for him to want to "rape" someone because he "loves" them. We all get the I want to jump your bones feelings when we like/ love/ want someone but not by force. He needs help and just knowing it's wrong isn't enough for him to work through and improve how he feels/ reacts to her.


I'm with you. In the previous episode, when Bayley was thinking about Caputo's warning and asked Coates if the place had changed him, and he casually said No, not that he'd noticed, I had a sudden sinking feeling (of foreshadowing, I suppose.) I love Pennsatucky, and she's not reading him.


Pennsatucky doesn't really resist that much and I doubt he's intelligent enough to know that what he's doing is messed up.


I don't think the onus is on her only to resist. Also from her story she's had a messed up concept of sex and consent etc.
