Piscatella's background

So for those who have completed season 4 of OITNB, we see this horrible human being's eyes widen in horror as Caputo brings up his past in regards to his time working at the Men's Correctional Facility. Given his sexuality and his obviously corrupted personality that makes him bend the laws, I have a feeling that he raped or did some form of sexual assault on the men in the facility. What are your theories?


I think that's too obvious. Oitnb is known for throwing in curve balls... you're not always sure of what's coming around the corner. I'll be interested to find out! So many months to wait with very little spoilers or news about filming coming out!


I'm sure there was in fact some sexual assault in his past. Probably not by the book either. He seems like the kind of guy who could get pretty *creative* seeing as he's big, built, but also knows how not to be so "hands on" about things.

I'm anxious to know as well.

  
I'm livin' in desperate times. Bein' alive's my only crime...


Interesting Perspective!

I can't wait to see the next season.


I assumed it was pretty obvious he raped inmates.


He was the Pornstache of the men's facility.


I think it was more about power than about sex. Maybe he re-enacted the Stanford experiment in a way, giving inmates he preferred power over inmates he disliked?


I'd just add that I'd love to see Caputo **ruin** MCC (or whatever it's called!) by exposing their negligent hiring practices and attempts to demonize first Poussey and then Bayley to cover their as*es!! (And I can't even go into what I'd like to see happen to Linda!!)


*Spoiler * OITNB focused on prison guard abuse the whole season like with the guard trading sexual favors for drugs in Nicky's story, and the prisoner who had to eat that baby mouse.
