5 favourite characters?
Mine are:
Piper (obvious)
and I'm starting to like Red a little bit more.
Mine are:
Piper (obvious)
and I'm starting to like Red a little bit more.
1. Nicky
2. Poussey
3. Alex
4. Caputo
5. Maria Ruiz
I think I didn't like either Alex or Caputo, and didn't care that much about Ruiz, in the beginning. But that's the standing after season 4. I thought Poussey was my favorite favorite character, but (spoilers for S3 and S4, weren't you the one who started that another thread and said you were at season 2 now?) then when Nicky returned in mid-season 4 after being gone for over a season, and suddenly the show went from the suck-fest it had been since early season-3 to amazing, I realized that nope, Nicky's obviously what's needed here.
Do you even know what honor is?
- A horse.
Yes, I'm at the end of season 2. I'm surprised how easy this show lets go of its characters. Tricia was good and so was the lady who sleapt near Piper. Mendez is in big trouble now, I guess this is the end for him too.
I'd go with
& Piper/Alex (I kind of think of them as a pair)
I also find Sophia, Red, Flaca, Crazy Eyes, Pennsatucky, Cindy, Janae and Yoga Jones interesting characters.
I also loved Miss Rosa & Miss Claudette's storylines and I want to know more about Frieda, Boo & some of the other older inmates.
I'm going to list my favorite second-tier characters, the ones in the background.
1. Frieda. I like how she's always willing to take someone out for the team.
2. O'Neill. He's gone but he was fun while he was there. His song to the nuns was hilarious!
3. Flaca. She's dark, mysterious and mutters to herself. I like that in a person.
4. The Meth Twins. Stupidity at its finest.
5. Norma. Just because.
3. BLANCA not Flaca.
shareI love Frieda, too!!! And Norma is adorable
"This is all very dysfunctional. Stressing the fun in dysfunctional."
Nicky used to be my favourite character, but I didn't like her that much in season 4.
Pennsatucky and Red are my favourite characters now.
1. Red
2. Nicky
3. Rosa
4. Poussey
5. Pennsatucky/Boo
This is so NOT the list I would've made back in Season 1! Boo and Tucky would never have made the cut, and Rosa was just kind of "there" at that point. I liked Piper a hell of a lot better in seasons one and two. Now, she might make my top ten, but barely.
I really enjoy Healy and Caputo's characters as well as characters like Luschek and O'Neill (loved his rant about red velvet and him serenading the "gaggle" of nuns!). One thing I love about the show is the way they introduce a character then slowly peel back their layers and make you rethink your opinion of them. I couldn't stand Pennsatucky in S1. I remember the first time I started to soften towards her was the scene where she and Healy sit outside and she suddenly hugs him. It dawned on me that she probably never had any kind of father figure in her life.
Healy's always fascinated me. I hated how homophobic he was, yet simultaneously felt sorry for him. The speech he gave to Piper about seeing her grandma on furlough was perfect. I think he means well, but those intentions get lost because his ego is so easily bruised. He works with women, but he doesn't understand them. He wants to do good, but he feels totally irrelevant in the system. I loved his scenes with Lolly and it broke my heart when she was hauled off to psych, screaming for him to help her. And his half-hearted suicide attempt made me feel even worse for him. There's no one in his life to save him. Somehow he'll have to do that himself. I think he's due for some redemption. Red was right when she told him that he doesn't have the luxury of having a crisis now. He will be needed at work, especially if something horrible happens.
Ya I love Healy too! His relationship with Red (whatever that might be!) is fascinating and they have such great chemistry together I just want loads of scenes between them!
I like Healy too. I think we're in the minority though, which is okay.
shareI, too, like Healy quite a bit. Not the person, the character. What a fascinating and complex character. He's really a self-centered scumbag, but he perceives himself as a good person trying to help. That's why he's so interesting. I'm pretty riveted any time he's on screen.
And another one I've taken a liking to: Linda. So beautiful, yet so evil.
Yes, my list changed a bit well into Season 3 too.
shareTastee - She is the sweetest and I love her.
Hayes - (puff puff hair) - her jewish conversion is hysterical, she always makes me laugh.
That old murderer woman who helps them bury the body.