Am I considered Hispanic?

I'm Argentinian, as many as you know, and I'm not trying to be racist, Argentinians, Chileans, etc are not from the same race as Mexicans, Dominicans, etc so if I went to Litchfield am I considered part of the Hispanic group?

Sorry for my English


Hispanic just means your ancestry is of Spanish-speaking origin; so you would probably be considered a part of that group.


Depends then, I'm Argentinian and have italian and french ancestors and some catalunyan blood. The diference is that there aren't so many people with "indian" blood in here, there was a lot of european inmigration and most indians were killed, so most of us don't look like mexicans or dominicans. But we are Latin America.


Hispanic just means your ancestry is of Spanish-speaking origin; so you would probably be considered a part of that group.

Unless you're actually from Spain then you're just white. I also find it funny that if you're Italian, who's heritage is in the country where Latin was the language, you're not considered Latino. It's just another example of stupid identity politics. Like if you're from Haiti or some other Caribbean island and you're in the U.S. you're considered African-American.


But what if you're a spaniard but not white? There are a lot of non-white full blooded spaniards, you know?


But what if you're a spaniard but not white? There are a lot of non-white full blooded spaniards, you know?

Ask those of your political ideology. After all, they're the one's making all of these rules.


Hispanic/Latino (these two terms I will use interchangeably) refers to someone being from or having familial ties to a Spanish-speaking country or culture. Race does not mean anything as you can be white or black and still be Latino/Hispanic. Most Latinos/Hispanics are of mixed raced, usually of either white, black, and/or indigenous/native background. For example, a lot of Mexicans are a mix of indigenous (Native mexico) and white (Spaniard/European) and a lot of Dominicans are a mix of indigenous and black (African) so that is why a lot of Latino people look more like one race than another. And like I said, not all Latinos are of mixed raced. I've met Mexicans who are blond and blue-eyed (commonly referred to as White Hispanic) and I've met Puerto Ricans who were Black Hispanic, but they all were 100% Latino. There are so many terms out there to describe Latinos because it's a big mix of cultures that are anchored together with the common language. I happen to be American of Mexican descent and I am very mixed looking so I get asked stuff like this all the time. Hope this helps.


I have a friend who is Mexican and has blue eyes and his sister is a blonde. His mom showed me a photo of him and his sisters and brother and all were blonde haired/blue eyed. In fact I have no known Hispanic ancestry (though I suspect there is) and I look more stereotypical Hispanic than him.


Yes.If you're not a WASP, then you're in the other non-white groups. It doesn't matter if you look white. You would never be accepted as a white person in prison. You're viewed as less than white.

A bit of the old ultraviolence...


Wasp is an economic group, not an ethnicity. Anglo-Saxons are Europeans aka white people.


True. I've only heard it used as an umbrella terms for whites. Same thing.

A bit of the old ultraviolence...


WASP is pretty specific - non-Catholic English background, maybe Welsh and Scottish although most Welsh and Scots are ethnically Celtic and not Germanic (Angles and Saxons and other German tribes).

Continental Europeans are not WASPs. At all.


But Argentina was also the go-to place for the Nazis who escaped WWII. This is why so many of them are racist jerkoffs. I'm assuming those lineages are not Hispanic, considering they've only been living there for 2 generations.


Yes, you are hispanic.

Spaniards are hispanic, Argentineans are hispanics, Chileans are hispanic. Etc.

Your country's mother tongue is Spanish? You are hispanic.

Btw, Mexicans and Dominicans aren't the same race either. Piper was wrong when she refered to the Dominicans as descentants from the Mayans because there weren't any Mayans in Dominican Republic.

Dominicans are mostly a mix of black, Spaniards and Taínos. The Taínos came from South America, probably through Venezuela, and lived in the Caribbean Islands. The Mayans populated the areas in Southern Mexico and Northern Central America.

Mexicans are mostly a mix of natives (be it Mayans, Aztecas, Totonacas, Rarámuris, Mixtecos, etc. depending of the area in the country) and Spaniards. There's very little of blacks left (less than 1%) because the Spaniards had more natives at their disposition for labor and needed less slaves than those living in the islands of the Caribbean.


Yes, I caught that Mayan reference, too.

Fact checker budget must be too small on the shoe.


Dominicans are mostly a mix of black, Spaniards and Taínos. The Taínos came from South America, probably through Venezuela, and lived in the Caribbean Islands. The Mayans populated the areas in Southern Mexico and Northern Central America.

Let's be real here Dominicans and Puerto Ricans are black, white, but mostly just a bunch of Mulattos. The Taino's were wiped out centuries ago and the DNA has long been bred out of them. Almost every biracial person I know could pass for either group.... Hell, Drake and Alicia Keys look like a couple of Puerto Ricans/Dominicans.

"Money's flowing, everything is fine; Got myself an Uzi and my brother a nine"


There's still a little bit of Taíno left in the genes of multirracial Dominicanos, but yeah, most of those roots are gone in the exterior appearance of most.


Spaniards are hispanic, Argentineans are hispanics, Chileans are hispanic. Etc.

Native European Spaniards are Caucasian. Hispanics are mixed latin americans.


Easy way to tell the difference between Hispanic and Latino:

Hispanic refers to people that come from Hispania, which is basically modern day Spain, and refers mainly to language (Spanish). Whereas Latino, on the other hand, refers to those from Latin America. The groups heavily overlap there, with a good example of a Latino group that are not Hispanic being Brazilians, they speak Portuguese, so they are Latino but not Hispanic.


I don't think you understand what race means.
From what i understand there are only a few races.
Black-africans, caribeans, african americans, descendants of black africans
White-Western Europeans, white Americans, pale skin (Australia), etc.
Hispanic/Latino- south america, Mexicans, Puerto ricans (but they are mixed with "black"), Central america, (Spain is NOT included, it is White-Western European)
Asian- China, Japan, Indians (some people consider Indians their own race)
Native Americans-people native to the North America and South America before Western Europe arrived there
Middle Eastern- technically not really a race but its becoming one because of "issues" between US/Britain and that area. The middle east is technically split between Europe, Asia and Africa (Egypt and Morocco).

So yes, you are hispanic. But you probably look white to "white people since your pale and not the stereotype of hispanics.

What you are describing saying you are not the same "race" as Mexicans is ethnicity. Ethnicity is your Nationality, what country your from, and/or what continent.

I bet you're wondering what a place like this is doing in a girl like me-The Mummy


Argentina and Chile's national soccer teams are full of indigenous looking guys. Sorry to burst your bubble, but yes, you are hispanic.


Yes, I think you would be considered Hispanic.

I think in general people don't always have much of a clue about other ethnic groups. Would you be able to tell the difference between a East European or a West European? For me as a European the difference is obvious, but I know it's not like that for most other people. Same with different ethnic groups in Africa, Asia and so forth. People in general wouldn't care I think - if you are from South America they will see you as Hispanic/Latino regardless of which country you come from.
