My thoughts on Sophia

I just want to say that what is going on with Sophia really SUCKS! She does NOT deserve how she’s been treated and what she’s going through. She did NOT deserve for Aleida to spread filthy rumors about her (causing the other inmates to boycott her salon), she did NOT deserve for those 3 inmates to assault her, and she did NOT deserve to be put in SHU "For her own protection"!

However, I do not blame Gloria (one bit) for being angry and resentful towards her. Sophia falsely accused Gloria’s son (Benny) of being a bad influence on her own son (Michael), and discontinued her wife (Crystal) from giving Benny rides to the prison. So now, Gloria can't see her son. Then when Sophia realized that she was wrong, she didn’t apologize and kept the superior attitude.

I’m sorry, but as much as I hate seeing what Sophia is going through, she’s the one who started the entire thing.


Unfortunately when she comes out of SHU, Sophia will be forever changed. She is NOT going to be the kind and sweet Sophia that we all know and love.


I hadn't thought about that yet, but you're right.

And if she was there for her own protection and mot as punishment for being assaulted as claimed, they would have at least let her take some personal stuff with her.

Books, a clock and her own blanket would make a difference. It would still be miserable but probably not as psychologically damaging.


And if she was there for her own protection and mot as punishment for being assaulted as claimed, they would have at least let her take some personal stuff with her.

Books, a clock and her own blanket would make a difference. It would still be miserable but probably not as psychologically damaging.

I never though of this before but I like your point of view and I agree with you. Obviously sending her to the SHU killed two birds with one stone: 1? They got to put her in "protection" and save their asses by keeping her away from the other inmates and avoiding an attack or a murder. It made it look like they were putting her on her own so she would be safe. And 2) MCC got to make their point about what happens when you try to fight back and they are punishing her for trying to contact someone tell her story about being attacked the prison failing to keep her safe.


Although I do agree with most of what you said. The treatment against Sophia was unwarranted. Aleida should have kept her nose out of it. But also, Sophia was too proud to admit her "sweet little boy" has not been "sweet" since before she was locked up. Her son is a little *beep* and she should have apologized to Gloria for jumping to conclusions. I think Gloria would have shut Aleida down sooner had she done so.


I seem to remember that Sophia went to apologize but Gloria was being really nasty to her and Sophia just said never mind and walked off. There were mistakes on both sides. And Gloria did try to do the right thing by calling Sophia's wife




No Sophia, and the actress who plays the character - Laverne Cox - IS a female. By your comment, I'm assuming you don't 'approve' of transgender people and those that are able to translation, but you know what? Your opinion doesn't mean squat! I deeply respect Laverne Cox for being a fabulous role model to people who are transgender, to show them that they can be happy and successful despite so many of the judgements and hatred a lot of people have towards them.

And, NO, I am not transgender, but I have several friends who are. I think they are incredibly brave, to have the courage to become the person that is inside them.


People can do whatever they want, so in that sense, sure, I "approve." But that doesn't mean I'm going to call a man a woman just because he thinks he's a woman.


One, it's not that they "believe" they are not their born sex, but this psyche/ and what makes them who they are inside was raised as the incorrect sex.
And two, I don't know for certain ( and basically it really is no one's business) but I assume that Laverne Cox took and maybe is still taking estrogen to become a female. Also, (another assumption) I would imagine she had the reassignment surgery, so what made her male (testerone and the male genitalia) no longer exist, so she IS a female.

I have two friends who did the reassignment surgery, and if you did not know them beforehand, you would have no idea they were born male. Other friends, for a variety of reasons, did not, but in people who understand, they are no less female then my two other friends.


It's pretty simple. If you're born with a penis, you're a male. If you're born with a vagina, you're a female. There are very rare occurrences where people are born with both sets of parts, but that's not what we're talking about here.

I'm all for someone dressing and acting however they want, but don't tell me to call someone something they're not because they had surgery or they're taking drugs to "become" something else.


People with rigid closed minds like you aren't worth arguing with.


I agree, she was wrong and should have apologized. It's been a while since I've seen the show. Didn't one of them try to apologize to the other and then the 'apologizer' blow hem off.


Yah but on the other hand it annoyed me when she was accused of "keeping her son from her". Sophia and Crystal are NOT obligated to drive him and if they decide to stop, no matter what the reason is, that's their business. It was wrong of Sophia to accuse Benny when he was innocent, but she is probably just in shock and in denial that her son is changing and growing up. I understand Gloria being upset because she just got her son back in her life and was frustrated to have him taken away when she wasn't at fault for anything. However, she can't EXPECT someone to help her. If they decide not to that doesn't mean she can ruin her life directly or indirectly. And Sophia did try to apologize but Mendosa was rude to her so she decided not to say anything. In the end, it's Gloria's responsibility to get her son there and back and Sophia didn't deserve to be beaten up and thrown in the SHU.
