
I can suspend disbelief... up to a point. But thinking that both Bernadette and Elgie, very wealthy, would live in a home that is literally falling apart and do nothing about it, when Bernadette is a talented architect and so comfortable just sending a message to - well, anyone - to take care of this or that, it didn't ring true.

Same goes for:

- Bernadette didn't instantly throw her neighbor off her property when she was trespassing with a stranger and discussing what was the best thing to do with Bernadette's property?
- the blackberry vine guy didn't know he'd be setting up the hill for a landslide if he removed the vines?
- Elgie didn't know that the new-hire "gnat" admin was someone who knew Bernadette and hated her?
- Elgie and the gnat admin happen to walk by the pharmacy when Bernadette is in there, asleep/passed out?
- Jellinek just happens to run into Bernadette?
- Jellinek says just the right thing - "you have to create, you have to work or you're a menace to society" (paraphrasing) and later Elgie says basically the same thing about Bernadette. " Jellinek's sole purpose in the story is to say what he said. One scene, wise trusted mentor from the past resurfaces to give encouragement and remind her of what she once was!!, says that important line, and he's done.
- the gnat admin sitting in on the meeting with the FBI guy and Elgin, and also being present for the intervention?
-The FBI guy needing to talk to Bernadette about the identity theft and the psychiatric intervention are combined together?
- Bernadette didn't instantly ask why the gnat admin was in her living room and order her out - and doesn't object to the gnat just moving into another room rather than leaving altogether?
- the daughter, especially at her age, not being embarrassed by her mom, even a little bit?
- Bernadette somehow got her hands on all her supplies for the trip before leaving, without anyone seeing her?
- everyone forgetting about Ice Cream the dog?
- the daughter somehow figuring out exactly where her mom was in Antarctica, even though Mom was a stowaway? They could track Bernadette but not get a message to her?
- stealing a boat (Elgie and Bee) totally not a problem?
- Bernadette stowing away and getting a job out of it instead of getting arrested? "I googled you and I have a soft spot for weirdos and geniuses"?
- Bernadette not finding a phone earlier than her phone call near the end, when all of a sudden she cares what her family thinks, and again, Elgin and Bee had NO WAY TO GET A MESSAGE TO HER? Even though they knew what boat she was on?
- Elgie quits his job at Microsoft when (at that time) he was the only one in the family making money? And this is presented as a good thing? When his wife is unstable, unable to cope, possibly suicidal, and MISSING?
- Bernadette getting to design the new station just by bullshitting with a lot of energy?

And most of all - she runs to the neighbor who hates her after she escapes out the window and all of a sudden they are friends and the neighbor not only doesn't turn her in, she gives her a ride to the airport?? The neighbor who was screaming insults at Bernadette the last time they saw each other? The neighbor whose house was severely damaged by Bernadette's spiteful actions?

None of those things would have happened that way if Bernadette was a real person. And all of them together was just too much. I just kept thinking, "Nope. Nope. Nope.". Overall I did like the movie, it had some good moments. and I did think Cate Blanchette's and Kristen Wiig's performances were good, although Bernadette is just a funnier, less desperate, less sad (and less? hooked on drugs?) version of Jasmine from Blue Jasmine. We've already seen CB do a "woman who just cannot function" role and Blue Jasmine was a lot better.


Disagree on almost every point. All of it is quite believable. Probably you just have a different mindset than these characters. This is way too long to go through point by point, however.
