Just a few points and shout outs to awesome writing (Spoilers.)
His friend, having the Mosin Nagant and Enfield and talking about cheap surplus ammo. The 0311 sticker on his buds gun locker: that is a Marine Rifleman MOS - and kind of a badge of honor. It also speaks to his probably being in infantry. (His buddies mom mentioning that he was in Japan and deployed.)
His buddy offering to give him CQB lessons and mentioning violence of action: You guys had to have had a Marine or GI on staff.
The fact that his friend shoots past "Mr. Bad Guy" before he pops his melon, to "make it legal" by having him point the rifle in someones direction. This is one of those things a lot of gun people know - and maybe a nod to the line about only killing two people "on purpose."
The talk of different weapons, asking how much he weighed, etc. Someone actually shot and owned those guns to know their recoil characteristics. The .410 was brilliant, especially the fact that he needed a follow up shot. Not a super deadly weapon but I wouldn't give a 12 gauge to someone who was emaciated and 135 lbs.
The fact that no one realizes the car he drives his riddled with bullet holes, and his mother was killed "accidentally" in his dad's homicide - and so he drives it and carries the keys around his neck in a manner that shows what he is holding on to, hence "Blue Ruin" - so little comprehension of how obvious that is as an analogy, and literally.
The fact that he left the keys in the car, for his half brother. "They keys are in the car...."
I still can't figure out the post card unless it was a farewell note. I knew when he went in that house it was his last stand.
Just...bravo. Dread, hilarity, awesome direction and writing, cinematography, and even a bit of joy on a shoe string budget? Great stuff. Reminds me of "A Single Shot" - and I am struggling to pick a winner.