Dwight drops the keys off when he leaves his sister's house with Teddy in the trunk. He locks the door from the outside, then he drops them through the slot.
From what I can read from the postcard the last two lines say :
Please __________
for what _________
which I'm guessing could be :
Please forgive me
for what I've done.
I don't think he was very confident that he would succeed in his revenge mission, but was determined to try, so the postcard could've been a means to let his sister know he was up to something, but not in time for her to do anything about it.
He probably thought he was likely to die in the attempt and would never get a chance to get in touch with her again.
As for the last line, it could've been his intention all along to let his half-brother escape, so he left the keys in there for him to take the car. He just forgot to say that to him in the heat of the moment.
William would've been walking off thinking "What good is the car going to do me? I don't know how to hot wire it. If I walk all the way there and have to walk all the way back again to get the keys, I will blow his head off this time!"