Best film I've seen all year
Watching it for my 2nd time in 24hrs. Wow. Timeless.
shareAre you a friend of the producers?? Serious question.
shareHehe, nope. Just a cinemafile who really enjoyed the film. I totally get where ur coming from in another post on this film's message board, but yeah, I amicably disagree. Watched it for my 2nd time yesterday then did a back2back with Blood Simple.
shareI agree. This movie is one of the best I've ever seen.
Do you smell taters?
Seriously. If the guy liked it I don't see why your blessing on his taste in movies even matters at all. I happened to enjoy it as well and I also like many other films but does it matter if you like them or not. This is what's wrong with IMDB nowadays . A lot of people think they know everything and if you enjoy a movie that another hates then THERES something wrong with your taste in films lol. It really is sad that's where IMDB is heading