What Indie is all about
This film blew me away. I am a dialogue snob, but when a movie comes along that takes that away from me, I get nervous, but Blue Ruin nailed it. Nearly every line says what most films take an entire scene to depict. That alone is amazing, but what really got me, was how you felt the frantic pace of Dwight's thoughts in relation to his manner. The fact that they dared to throw in some humor, was risky but worked.
I have a feeling I'll be giving this movie another look shortly (something I usually don't do), because I'm already questioning the minuscule things I didn't like about it. I really wish more Indie films would stay within their boundaries (aka budget) and make the most out of the entire film and stop trying to dazzle with one or two scenes. This, for me, was what Indie is all about.