MovieChat Forums > Jessica Jones (2015) Discussion > Question for female fans mostly

Question for female fans mostly

Okay the possibility of Jessica and Trish having been or becoming a sexual/romantic couple has made it all the way showrunner Melisa Rosenberg who didn't completely shoot it down.
As a guy I can say with 95% confidence males are either enthusiastically for it or don't care. So it safe to go full steam ahead.
But from comments I've seen seemingly many women are not behind it at all.
So what are your feelings?


No. Just no.
They're sisters. Jessica is Patsy's adopted sister.
They've been friends forever.
Their friendship is a core aspect of the show.
Both of the characters in the comics are hetero (at least so far as I remember, they are at least both primarily attracted to men for sure).
It's just not a story that needs to be told or makes sense for these two characters. I'm /all/ for LGBT representation. But it just does not make sense for these two characters in specific.


No. Just no.

Wow that the only females seem to be giving.
Half of the guys will be a little disappointed but okay no bisexual Jessica and Trish.


She's supposed to hook up with Luke Cage and they eventually have a super-baby.


She's supposed to hook up with Luke Cage and they eventually have a super-baby.

Nothing is stopping that. We are not saying Jessica is a butch lesbian. There were suggestions that she be fluid is her sexuality perhaps as a temporary reaction to her trauma with Kilgrave.


There were suggestions that she be fluid is her sexuality perhaps as a temporary reaction to her trauma with Kilgrave.

Dude. No. No no no. Sexuality is not "fluid" as a result of trauma. As far as we know, she is hetero. That's that.

I'm queer and I love to see women together but I am getting no chemistry from them whatsoever.

Frankly, you sound like you need to write a fanfic with plenty of liberties taken and get it out of your system, lol. You sound like a yaoi fangirl.


Frankly, you sound like you need to write a fanfic with plenty of liberties taken and get it out of your system, lol.

Maybe I should. πŸ˜ƒ
You sound like a yaoi fangirl.

I have not a clue of what the heck that is but it doesn't sound good.
I'm not going to Google it and don't tell me. πŸ˜‘


I would find it a little gross since they are, for all intents and purposes, sisters. Not biological sisters, obviously, but it's still weird.


I would find it a little gross since they are, for all intents and purposes, sisters.

Me too BUT...
For a scorching hot lipstick lesbians scenes, I would be willing to look past it 😁
But since like all of the female viewers absolutely don't want it I can live without it.


As a male, let me voice that I would pretty much be against it. Not that I wouldn't be open to the story line or something but it just doesn't seem to fit the characters for me.

They might come up with some way that it fits, but to me there's nothing about either character that suggests any attraction to women alone, least of all each other given their current, sisterly relationship.

Both have checkered (to say the least) pasts with men but that doesn't actually lead to lesbianism or bisexuality (despite what some men like to think). It's not a choice.

And there's also been several characters in lesbian relationships - even a lesbian love triangle - so somehow adding in a Jess-Trish relationship would really feel forced (and I hate when people use that term but in this case it fits).

So I guess I'm in that 5% room you left open. I don't think either one would work as bisexual and I certainly don't think both would. And no way would they have a sexual relationship with each other if by some lunacy both turned out to be bisexual.

That said (or written), if some writer out there has an idea how to pull it all together and make it believable then fine. But barring something extreme I just can't see it working with the way they established the characters in season 1.

For any males disappointed if they don't do this, there should be plenty of online content they can find if they really need it.

Reading my signature constitutes admission that I am correct. (Too late)


Okay but with the Jeri Hogarth and Pam breakup we have nothing now. 😞


They might give Jeri a new girlfriend (in fact it's likely given the character).

And there's also the internet if you really need a fix on that sort of thing. It doesn't need to be wedged into this show for the sake of it.

Reading my signature constitutes admission that I am correct. (Too late)


But this is suppose to be a edgy show and there's nothing wrong with sex.
Does every single moment of Jessica Jones have to be misery?
Is it going to be 13 hours of puppies and kittens drowning?
It's okay to have a tiny bit fun sometimes. πŸ˜ƒ
Ironically it adds to the serious moments.
If something is an unyielding down beaten you get numb to it all.


Yeah I don't think forcing a lame story of Jessica and Trish being lovers would make the show better. It's a really dumb idea that would only really occur to the masturbatory dreamers who only watch TV to catch a glimpse of a boobie.

Reading my signature constitutes admission that I am correct. (Too late)


It's a really dumb idea that would only really occur to the masturbatory dreamers who only watch TV to catch a glimpse of a boobie.

Be very careful this is a liberal progressive show. If you read the article Melisa Rosenberg didn't completely dismiss the idea and I'm sure some in the LGBT community would be pleased. You as an apologist for the show could be placed in an awkward position having later to defend Jessica and/or Trish showing signs of being bi-curious after now here saying it was a dumb idea.


LOL Rob.

They didn't dismiss it because they're not against the idea of a character being gay or bisexual. That doesn't mean it's a good idea.

And I did say earlier that perhaps someone more imaginative than I could come up with a way to do it that fit - I just don't see it.

I don't consider myself an apologist - I just liked the show. Not everyone has to like it and I hope people don't petition to add some "hot lesbian action" just so they will watch it.

Reading my signature constitutes admission that I am correct. (Too late)


I don't consider myself an apologist - I just liked the show. Not everyone has to like it and I hope people don't petition to add some "hot lesbian action" just so they will watch it.

Yeah, I too don't want to see a "#GiveJessicaJonesAGirlfriend" campaign out there. We already had similar campaigns involving Elsa from Frozen.


Yeah, I too don't want to see a "#GiveJessicaJonesAGirlfriend" campaign out there. We already had similar campaigns involving Elsa from Frozen.

LOL Find the eye of the hurricane and find amusement and some enlightenment at the chaos that surrounds you.
I can't wait for the people to start shipping Luke Cage and Danny Rand.
The best part of these campaigns are watching those for and against freak out. 😁


Can you stop pretending that you speak for men? I like their relationship as sisters, Im not watching Jessica Jones for the lesbian romances, a lot of season 1 was already about that


I've got to agree with the consensus here. I'm not against her being bisexual or even just experimenting, a lot of us have been there so it's not that unbelievable, but they share a sisterly love for one another. So no matter how Hustler might spin it, i.e. sexy twins/sisters, incest is still disturbing to many who think about the reality of it all.
This is not about same sex relations to me at all, I'm not in to my brother either!!!
Wrong, just wrong.


I wasn't a big fan when they did something similar in True Blood. I'm all for same sex couples and romances, it just seems would be forced for two people that are sisters. Now if we were watching Games of Thrones, it might be different.

Come visit my


This is what's wrong with media today.
Two women can not apparently be loving without it being sexual.
They're sisters.
A hug, a kiss saying i love you doesn't i mean i wanna *beep* you.
Get your mind out the gutter.
I don't wanna see daredevil poking foggy or the punisher either.
They're a team.

We are the music makers...we are the dreamer of dreams.Willy Wonka
