MovieChat Forums > Jobs (2013) Discussion > Why such a low rating?

Why such a low rating?

We watched it last night, and thought it was pretty good.

Jobs WAS a pretentious dbag, that's how the movie portrayed him. Sorry if you believe he rode unicorns and farted rainbow colored iPhones from his bum. He was a type A, obsessed, self centered, dbag genius.



The folks that worship at the altar of Steve Jobs don't like seeing him portrayed as the vindictive @$$hole everyone who ever had to deal with him said he was. I worked with a woman who despised the movie Amadeus because she had gotten a classical music degree and Mozart was her hero. Seeing him portrayed as a spoiled brat pissed her off to no end.

"My name is Paikea Apirana, and I come from a long line of chiefs stretching all the way back to the Whale Rider."
