Not Sure What to Think or How to Rate
I saw this movie recently and not sure what to think or how to rate it. I guess it's mildly entertaining, Kutcher has a resemblance to Jobs which is good, there's a number of good actors, but I thought the story was not very substantial.
I guess I was expecting more. It seems the movie just touches on high level big facts, we don't get much in the way of details, then we get the next big issue. For example, we see that Jobs disses his girlfriend and avoids his daughter but we don't see the connection of the dots.
In one scene they secure venture capital, then they're in a trade show, then Apple goes IPO, then Jobs is suddenly a big deal.
I was also expecting to see more interaction with Bill Gates and the bad blood between Apple and Microsoft. Was it only one scene in which we see Jobs threatening Gates and telling him off on the phone? What about the deal with Xerox, etc?
Dunno... once again was expecting more from the movie...
Comments? Thoughts?
Any other good movies that depict the emergence of personal computers, Apple vs Microsoft vs IBM, Bill Gates involvement in the era, as well as Jobs, etc, etc, etc?