MovieChat Forums > Jobs (2013) Discussion > Question: 9/10 ratings (snelling)

Question: 9/10 ratings (snelling)

I really do not understand how anyone could rate this movie a 9 or 10. (IT Kind of Guy or not.) So I'm just curious to those that did rate this movie a high, favorable rating, why? Is it because of the story and just Jobs himself, or was it due to great acting and a great script? I am just curious because I found the acting weak, unmoving and flat and nothing really jumped out at me as "wow this is a GREAT film!". So I'm just curious what you loved about this film to rate it so high.

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I will first answer your question indirectly:

How can anyone rate a fine movie like "Shawshank Redemption" as a "1"? Yet almost 25,000 people have rated it "1".

"Casablanca" is an all-time favorite yet over 6,000 people have rated it "1".

I find rating "Jobs" as a 9 or a 10 much more plausible than someone rating an excellent movie "1". So the real answer is twofold, (1) there's no accounting for the taste of many people and (2) some just like to give artificially high or artificially low ratings just to p1$$ off people who think it should have a different rating. But in truth the numerical rating is unimportant.

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I think because I read the Steve Jobs biography, I had a more well-rounded view of the man. I could fill in the gaps that the layman could not. I wanted this movie to be longer and more dense and textured. I really don't care for Steve Jobs, the man. He had a myopic vision. His methods were unusual. How he had friends in his successful life I will never know. He made billions so he must have done something right. I hope he is happy that he sold his soul. I respect that.

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