MovieChat Forums > Jobs (2013) Discussion > I Lasted 2 Minutes

I Lasted 2 Minutes

So obviously, I can't give a fair assessment on the whole movie.

But when Jobs announces the name of his new music player, and everyone jumps to their feet for a standing ovation, accompanied by an overwrought uplifting score, I said enough is enough. If you watch a YouTube clip of when he announced the iPod, NOBODY stood up. And the applause was average, not ecstatic.

I know films based on true stories will usually make things more dramatic than they were, but this was just ridiculous.


I don't quite understand why you posted that. Are you proud of the fact you gave up after 2 minutes? Or you had some other reason? Please explain.

Make a choice, to take a chance, to make a difference.


The point being, that if the first 2 minutes are indicative of the whole film, I decided to jump off early. The overwrought reaction to Jobs announcing the iPod, as if he'd just discovered the cure for cancer, is not the type of film I want to keep watching.


Just curious. I never will understand that mentality. If I look up a movie and decide to watch it, I figure I owe it to myself to give it a good chance. I don't think 2 minutes can do it, maybe 30 minutes. But in fact I rarely give up at all, I am too curious, even if I think a movie is "bad" I want to find out what the director and producers had in mind.

Make a choice, to take a chance, to make a difference.


Fair enough.


I actually couldn't make it past the first two minutes either. I like cheesy for the sake of being cheesy, like in some horror movies, but this was beyond cheesy and pathetic, it was trying so hard but failed miserably.


Yep, and that was my point. If I'm already rolling my eyes 2 minutes in, I felt there wasn't much point in continuing to watch.


I wanted to see it for one reason ... I am NOT a user of Apple products and knew essentially nothing about Jobs or his career path. Seeing this movie filled in those gaps, so I found the time worthwhile. Sort of like the time spent watching a National Geographic special on Great Apes or something like that.

An even better movie is the parody "iSteve" with Justin Long as Jobs.

Make a choice, to take a chance, to make a difference.


Add me to the "two-minute" list.

When Kutcher is giving the "corporate speech," before he pulls out the MP3 player, and everyone starts applauding as if he discovered alternating current, it just set the tone that this film is going to be poorly directed (I can just imagine the script saying "Queue: overwhelming applause," and the director not being able to predict that this was going to be super corny, over-the-top, and highly unrealistic/inaccurate was indicative of his skill, or lack thereof).

MP3 players were not new technology in 2001. Samsung had actually released a cell phone with MP3 capabilities that year, called the "Uproar." And if I saw correctly, Kutcher pulls out an iPod Touch (not released until six years later)?!

And in the next scene, Jobs is walking around campus barefoot, as a dropout, and a professor goes out of his way to offer advice to Jobs, as if he knew out of the thousands of students walking around on campus, this was the guy to cater to.

Bad writing, bad directing, and bad acting from Kutcher, who can only play himself.


You know, this might not be something you want to freely admit on the internet. They do make medication for this sort of thing these days.


Good to know I'm not the only one who found that scene a little silly. I actually looked up the Youtube clip about a week ago (before I found this post), and yes, it was a very lowkey presentation. Some faint oohs and aahs here and there.

I get creative license to give a story, but that was a little over the top. But hey, I guess it made it more of an underdog rising to the top story, kinda like how Mike Markkula "discovers" these guys working out of a garage.

Oh stewardess...I speak jive.
