MovieChat Forums > Jobs (2013) Discussion > The Reason It's Rated 5.8 (as of January...

The Reason It's Rated 5.8 (as of January 2014)

I think it's because people are all like, "...yay, Apple! I like that company. I own an iPhone and an iPad and I can't wait for the next gadget to come out!" then they realize how much of a jerk Steve Jobs was and end up not liking the FEELING THEY HAVE after seeing the movie and rate it low.

I think the movie was great and if that was the kind of guy he be it.



The movie was good... for a TV movie. And he was a POS


I enjoyed the film. Maybe some of that has to do with the fact that I went into watching it with low expectations. As opposed to something like The Dark Knight Rises, which I went into with high expectations and didn't like. Funny how that works. After seeing Jobs, though, I was surprised at the bad reviews it had gotten. I feel it's worth at least a 7.0 rating out of 10, if not an 8.


I gave it a 9 and that's only because I had heard that he was diagnosed as bipolar and I just wish they had mentioned that or covered it, even in some small way, in the film. It would have explained much of his behavior. If the movie is accurate (I'm not an expert on him) he was obviously brilliant and I found most of what he said to be inspiring.

"The ice is gonna break!" (Johnny--The Dead Zone)


It's pathetic to see how ignorant people are. They see one movie about Steve Jobs and believe he was a jerk from beginning to end. They're only half right. These same people fail to realize that after being thrown out of his own company, he actually MATURED and came back to Apple in 1997 as a MATURE ADULT, not the overgrown child prone to temper tantrums. His vision was still intact and better than ever. He helped create the original iMac which saved Apples ass in every way possible. Sure, he was boss, and he still ran a tight ship (he was CEO of a business after all), but he learned that he had to WORK with people to make Apple a success, not just make demands and fire anyone who didn't agree with him on the spot.

But all the 18 year old brats hanging around this board are too young to remember any of that. Consequently they only know Steve Jobs as an @$$ hole who created the iPhone and iPad and absolutely nothing else. Ignorant and sad.

By the way, not picking on your post. Just putting my 2 cents worth.

"Seasons don't fear the Reaper
nor do the wind, the sun or the rain."


"Seasons don't fear the Reaper
nor do the wind, the sun or the rain."

Wish I could do a cut and paste, lol!

"The ice is gonna break!" (Johnny--The Dead Zone)


I'm not making fun really. I love that song. One of my favorites. But I also love Christopher Walken (hence my signature) and couldn't resist.

"The ice is gonna break!" (Johnny--The Dead Zone)


I know. It's cool.



zoolzool yes it is so try these ignorant morons out there that are not as sophisticated as you and I. Worthless losers that only know of the IPod. I had a cup of coffee with Steve and we would often enjoy lunch together. He was a wonderful man. Bunch of idiots out there with their stupid opinions!


and you know this how? I only know about him of what I have read, and of that, the implication was he was a dick right up until the end. Even in his last years, he was on a talk panel with Gates. Bill was trying to be gracious...bury the hatchet and Jobs just couldn't do it. His disdain for Gates just showed through.

“There are no ordinary moments. There is always something going on.” – Peaceful Warrior


The reason for this low rating?

I guess 90 % of the voters come to this web site using that over-rated so called operating system that would be better if thrown out of the... window.

Seriously, it's just Scully voting hacking different IP accounts!

No really now, I wasn't expecting much, but I think it wasn't that bad at all, honest and intriguing enough.

Hey, but I'm just a Woz fan since the 80ties...


Well if you are a Woz fan then you should ahve hated this movie. After all Woz himself said it was very much a blatant lie of a movie.

Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.


It's odd how you made this Woz comment looking so fake posted in a chick blog as if he actually wrote her!

And again this same comment Wozniak allegedly wrote is in a dozen more forums/blogs/sites as if he actually posted it to them in person...

Luckily we also have some bits of video interviews that can corroborate what he also states in the post:

Steve Wozniak

I saw the movie tonight. I thought the acting throughout was good. I was attentive and entertained but not greatly enough to recommend the movie. One friend who is in the movie said he didn't want to watch fiction so he wasn't interested in seeing it. I suspect a lot of what was wrong with the film came from Ashton's own image of Jobs. Ashton made some disingenuous and wrong statements about me recently (including my supposedly having said that the 'movie' was bad, which was probably Ashton believing pop press headlines) and that I didn't like the movie because I'm paid to consult on another one. These are examples of Ashton still being in character. Either film would have paid me to consult, but the Jobs one already had a script written. I can't take that creative leadership from someone else. And I was turned off by the Jobs script. But I still hoped for a great movie. As to compromising principles for money, I will add one detail left out of the film. When Apple decided not to reward early friends who helped, I gave them large blocks of my own stock. Because it was right. And I made it possible for 80 other employees to get some stock prior to the IPO so they could participate in the wealth. I felt bad for many people I know well who were portrayed wrongly in their interactions with Jobs and the company. The movie ends pretty much where the great Jobs finally found product success (the iPod) and changed so many of our lives. I'm grateful to Steve for his excellence in the i-era, and his contribution to my own life of enjoying great products, but this movie portrays him having had those skills in earlier times.

And so what? First of all this movie is titled jOBS and not Woz even if I for sure believe the greater genius is the latter.

OK, Woz maybe is not enthusiastic about this movie for some reasons, but then it seems it boils down to some aspects that in the movie diverge from what really happened in details.

I've briefly met both Jobs (London in the '90ties) and Gates (Hannover) as I was a consultant and journalist for the Amiga: at the time Jobs was trying to convince us QT was the godsend for the video capability Amiga already possessed in large measures.

Anyway, watching this movie I had the impression I exactly knew these guys up close: surely they were not unique I can tell you, but destiny and chances made them very rich and successful.

I'm sure I will be interested in watching another movie based on Woz script, but I wasn't looking for a documentary either.
Jobs/Gates saga can be quite interesting and inspiring.

To me this film was much more intriguing than that on the social network second hand genius.

My 2c


If you look at the replies to that blog, Woz himself replies there multiple times.

Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.
