MovieChat Forums > Jobs (2013) Discussion > Won't be seeing it!

Won't be seeing it!

Once I saw the previews last year for Jobs and recognized
Ashton Kutcher as the lead well I decided to boycott the
film. There were so many other actors in Hollywood who
could have and should have been cast as Steve Jobs. Instead
the producers chose Kutcher and I will never understand
the casting choice! Nor will I be renting the dvd from

Lorenzo Sunny Arizona

Call me a sailor or a swabby just don't call me a squid!


Good to know that you won't be seeing every single movie released to the masses. Breaking news I won't be watching NCIS tonight.


Hey, tbirdman, did it ever occur to you that none of us here on this board care whether you see it or not? We want to discuss it with people who see it, not you! So stay away from this board. It will make you feel better!

Make a choice, to take a chance, to make a difference.


Did it ever occur to you that I really don't give a crap as
to your comment!? I will post whatever I feel is on my
mind and still don't plan to watch JOBS! Have a nice life!
Have been on this site since 2006 and don't plan on leaving
any time soon!

Lorenzo Sunny Arizona

Call me a sailor or a swabby just don't call me a squid!


You should see it to at least be able to form an opinion, but I understand. Word is you won't be kissing a girl either. :-)


I don't think so since I cannot stand to watch Ashton Kutcher
and yes you've made a very good point. Now as far as kissing
a girl that is rather funny and original!

Lorenzo Sunny Arizona

Call me a sailor or a swabby just don't call me a squid!


You've got a great sense of humor.


I agree. Ashton made it a turn off. Not a fan at all.


Your loss, Junior.


Don't be ridiculous now

Jobs was kinda nice in a few parts and Ashton wasn't even that bad - the actors were ok, there were a few ok scenes

The point is the director and the screenwriter didn't know what they were doing. This felt like a cheap and cheesy TV movie. There's no quality

It's all over the place

Now there's a new Jobs movie written by Aaron Sorkin, directed by Danny Boyle and possibly starring Christian Bale

That's quality

It isn't even about how people generally dislike Ashton Kutcher: it's just that Jobs was a lame, poorly directed, written and produced movie

With a few good moments

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