MovieChat Forums > Jobs (2013) Discussion > I FIND THE JOBS WORSHIP DISTURBING...


The swelling musical score…the gasps of awe…as he unveils the...iPod? This guy didn't discover the cure for cancer or end world hunger. The way people fall at their feet over this guy and ignore those who are out actually making lives better in a way that counts is disturbing to say the least. Sign of the times, I suppose. Just more evidence that the current generation places their own convenience above anything else.

We'll see who's the filthiest person alive! We'll just see!


Sadder yet that actors and athletes are elevated to even higher levels of worship.

At least Jobs is celebrated as an iconoclast. I think that by itself is an important example to follow.

Also, while his contributions didn't save lives, they accelerated the adoption of computing technology by the masses, which has huge positive social impact in ways that aren't as obvious as a cure for cancer.

That said, the movie was a overly simplistic, trite and clumsy pandering to the cult of Jobs idolatry. It didn't have anything new or interesting to offer.


I got a chuckle out of that scene too...especially the second standing ovation he got when he revealed the iPod. Just for kicks, I found the actual iPod press conference on Youtube, and it was very lowkey. A little surprise from the audience as Steve described the details*, but none of the adulation shown in the movie.

And yes, I get creative license and all, and the fact that the writers had to spice it up to make it more of an underdog story. It was still pretty cheesy to me.

*Granted, at the time, that was unheard of...and I won't argue that it changed a lot of the ways people listen to music. Above point still stands.

Oh stewardess...I speak jive.


But what's more frightening is that people seem to act as though he was inventing new devices to help to save the world rather than to increase the share price of his company and make a load of money for himself.


without him you won't be setting now on personal computer and be a smart ass


the movie deliberately concentrated on trivial matter in order to destroy his image, he's a major reason for the mere existence of personal computers.


Bad people can have great minds. I do not understand people are so upset about him being a jerk.


he's not bad or jerk even in the movie, if you watch it carefully you can find explanation for his behavior, the problem in the movie is the deliberate hidden attempt to destroy his image.


There is no reason a person is a jerk or rude. Unless he was crazy, if that then he needs to get help. Hitler thought out the best road system in the world, he Autobahn, that doesn't excuse his behavior.
Lots of people have been pushed into Foster homes, With both parents alive and never was adopted. Jobs was just s spoiled brat and he thought he was entitled. He did not want the little girl she ha to go to court even though he was with her mother for years. He has a sister that he does get along with, but he never wanted to see her for a while. He is never was a philanthropist. He is just a jerk.


no, it's you and the 7 billion idiots on this planet who jump to conclusions and judge people on very thin basis like a hateful movie or stupid rumors, you are the jerks, and you are such coward jerks that you wait until the man is dead and cannot defend himself to open your filthy mouths, and you are such jerks that you use the very invention he offers you, the personal computer to attack him without any sense of shame, or a bit of fairness.

and even by all this i don't defend the man, i just admit that i don't know him, and i feel for the first time in my life after watching this evil movie, that i want to know more about him. he loved his daughter, after all he called his dearest computer project after her, it was clearly an issue with her mother. he was the real philanthropist who donated much in secret, not like the pretentious crappy jerk the dominate this filthy planet.


