I think WOZ needed to be...
...portrayed as a little more charismatic. I've seen his interviews and he talks very fast and is passionate and excitable. That doesn't come across in this portrayal.
share...portrayed as a little more charismatic. I've seen his interviews and he talks very fast and is passionate and excitable. That doesn't come across in this portrayal.
shareAnd shoulda showed how Woz ponied up $10 million in stocks so the original employees like Daniel Kottke could get some recognition for being there eon Day 1 in the garage. Jobs said "NO" to stock options. Woz's quote: "you had to do the right thing."
shareI have not seen this yet but, I truly hope they give Woz his due. He was the genius behind Apple. The innovator. Jobs was a car salesman, who somehow became the hipsters messiah.