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Season 4 - questions and comments

navarro was the worst cop ever. she healed very quickly from that beating
what was clark doing at the station all by himself after all the scientists disappeared?
was clark not curious as to what happened to the other scientists?
were the women not curious as to where clark was??
still don't know where heiss was getting the heroin

too much supernatural fake outs for me and i didn't like any of the characters. worst town ever. my rating 6.5/10


as i wrote in an other post i don't think there is actually anything supernatural happening:

i don't think there are ghosts , they say the cyanide level is 11 times higher than the authorized level + the fact that they live in an environment and culture where spirits are so important, therefore the water or something gave them hallucinations of what they have been hearing about since forever; in such a town and such an atmosphere if you are going to hallucinate you are going to hallucinate about the local legends you've heard 1000 times or about your dead ones, probably not about something from Africa or Australia.

Even if the women were curious what happened to Clark what could they have done? They done their deed then went off and didnt want to be caught, also may be they were curious but it simply wasnt shown on screen.

Clark was probably fucked up on crazy cyanide level so whatever he did or not do , think or no think , cannot be made sense of, mad paranaoid junkie.

i didnt like the characters but i enjoyed the ending which i did not expect at all


so these well educated scientists couldn't figure out the water was contaminated?


Megalomaniac - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms |

Web A megalomaniac is a pathological egotist, that is, someone with a psychological disorder with symptoms like delusions of grandeur and an obsession with power. We also use the word megalomaniac more informally for people who behave as if they're convinced of their absolute power and greatness

They didn't care about the water being polluted. All they cared about was becoming FAMOUS for "SAVING the WORLD" with their plan to cure cancer, while causing characters like TRAVIS (the Ghost who appears to Rose), and the cousin of the other guy we meet (the one who explains what the SPRIALS mean) to DIE of cancer which was caused by the pollution.

See the TWISTED LOGIC here where they want to CURE CANCER by causing others to DIE of it???

In other words, they were also willing to KILL or sacrifice anyone (like Annie) or anything that got in the way of achieving their PLAN to "SAVE the World," even if it meant killing EVERYONE in the town and all of the other animals and creatures in the sea to do so.

Because their INFLATED EGOS also considered themselves to be SUPERIOR to the others ... which is also why they kept to themselves at the Research Station and refused to interact with them ... except for CLARK who purchased the RV as a way to keep his relationship with Annie a secret.



Navarro champions Spirituality/ Danver's champions RATIONALITY

As a Scientist Clark should also represent RATIONALITY, but we see by what's written in his NOTEBOOKS about "SHE'S AWAKE" etc., that he's SLIPPED into the same kind of state of MADNESS as Navarro's sister Julia (who also kills herself the same way as Clark does). And Otis and the delivery guy also described Clark as being a MADMAN. So that's why he's HIDING at the station by himself. He's HIDING from ANNIE who he thinks is AWAKE again and out to get him. And that's also what he thinks happened to the other Scientist. He thinks ANNIE came back to seek revenge upon them.

With the way that we see the women attacking the men, they may not have even realized that Clark wasn't there with the rest of them. And they also didn't think the men would be stupid enough not to get dressed again as a way to save their lives. So murder also wasn't the goal. The goal was simply to FRIGHTEN them. And if Danver's and Navarro and all of HANK's other buddies couldn't find Clark, how were the women supposed to find him??

Heiss most likely got the HEROIN from Clark who wanted to know how HEISS had survived his injuries. Because Heiss was also wearing ANNIE'S PINK PARKA that he'd gotten from Clark.

And whereas you didn't like the characters, I thought they were BRILLIANTLY portrayed, so much so that they should also be NOMINATED for EMMY's for that OUTSTANDING PERFORMACE they've given to us in EP. 5 where PETER kills his father in order to save the life of Danver's (who had become a surrogate mother to him).

And how can this be the WORSE TOWN ever when they banded together to get rid of the MINE company that was polluting them and killing them and the other animals that they hunted and fished for as a source of food???

The way I see it, this was a VERY CLEVER town that was JUSTIFIED when they took matters into their own hands and put an end to the pollution and killing that was taking place ... by letting the BIG LIE about the SLAB AVALANCHE BACKFIRE ... that the woman who runs the mine promoted ... by releasing the other video of CLARK confessing about how the SCIENTIST asked the mine to pollute the town for them ... while they also produced BOGUS pollution numbers as a way to indicate the mine had not polluted the place.

In other words, a group of SCIENTIFIC MEN who should have been the MOST RATIONAL were the MOST IRRATIONAL. And the SPIRITUALITY and ETHICAL MORALITY of the members of the town who went to WAR with them also WON their battle with them (as illustrated by the CLOSED sign that we see on the MINE SIGN at the end when the hunter goes by it).


“too much supernatural fake outs for me”

That’s what I liked about it. It was like a Tess Gerritsen novel. The explanation winds up being human and rational but there’s just enough evidence for a terrifying supernatural element to heighten the fear factor.
