Did ICE CLEATS kill Annie ???/ EMMY's for TD: NIGHT COUNTRY !!!!
This link contains a photo of STAR SHAPED ICE CLEATS on the bottom of a shoe:
When Danvers and Navarro visit Oliver (the EQUIPMENT ENGINEER who formerly worked at the Research Station) you can see DANVERS starring at the ICE CLEATS that are hanging up outside of the door to the place where they find Oliver sitting inside with a shot gun.
If you have access to MAX Streaming Go to the 51 MIN TIME MARK where you can see Oliver's LONG and Pointed looking ICE CLEATS.
At the 37 MIN TIME MARK (you can also see photos of Annie's dead body with 4 BIG WOUNDS on her back that look too big for ICE cleats to have made).
But on the Lower Front side of the Left side of her body it looks like it might be a FOOT PRINT caused by a foot that's wearing ICE CLETES).
And on her back where the SPIRAL TATTOO is located, you can also see a STAR SHAPED WOUND that looks like it was made by a STAR SHAPED CLEAT like you can see in the ebay link up above.
Since her teeth were kicked out and her ribs were broken, perhaps the stab wounds were also caused by someone's foot or feet (if more than one person kicks or stomps on her) as well???
Here's another link with a Screen Capture where you can see the ICE CLEATS hanging on the door outside of Oliver's cabin: