I hate tv episodes of a series that arc over and over. True Detective has a high rating, but I prefer an episode that has a beginning, middle, and end, like Law and Order or NCIS. So disappointing. How do you like the series?
shareI hate tv episodes of a series that arc over and over. True Detective has a high rating, but I prefer an episode that has a beginning, middle, and end, like Law and Order or NCIS. So disappointing. How do you like the series?
shareSeason 3 was disappointing
shareIt depends on the season, no?
Interesting ... an hour ago I just finished watching Season 3. I thought it was the best season, the most toned-down, the most realistic and the most relevant past just trying to be entertaining. i think they did a great job on a few levels and I ended with great respect for this effort.
It had a high "barrier to entry" for me though ... I had to almost decide to have faith and force myself to watch the first two episodes ... but then I started to like it a lot more. I can understand not caring for this ... it might be I have a personal affinity for the movie because I can appreciate the Alzheimer's part of it, and think it is important to try to get that through to people. We have millions of people who vote and create policy in this country that if they do not have some kind of understanding of these issues they simply will not get dealt with in reality - so fiction is a good way to do that.
shareNow that I have seen it through twice now, I think this third season is in a class by itself ... it was brilliant in so many ways. Almost all the characters were given a 3 dimensional ... in some cases a 4 dimensional portrayal, and the actors all rose to the occasion.
With the exception of the mother, Lucy, who the series more revolved on - that was the weak point, and her cousin Dan. Of course the Hoyt head of family played by Michael Rooker in one short spurt also did not get a real display.
This is one of the best most well written and detailed detective stories I've ever seen. That said, it was the detective story plot that took a back seat to the main relationships around Wayne "Purple" Hayes with his parter, wife and himself. It was beautifully written and acted.
Lol go watch big brother brainlet