MovieChat Forums > True Detective (2014) Discussion > Does the existence of S2 blemish S1?

Does the existence of S2 blemish S1?

In some ways, I think so. What do you think? Does it blemish the True Detective universe?




Lots of people seem to think this way!


Nah. I thought it was a very good season, although very different in every aspect from the first one.

"I don't care what you believe in, just believe in something ! No matter what..."




It does. If it was billed a miniseries it'd be a classic (Like Olive Kitteridge). But the fact that they tried to do it again and utterly failed does tarnish it. You can't talk about one without the other now. Much in the same way you can't talk about the original Star Wars trilogy without at least acknowledging that the prequels do exist.


Yeah not true! Two weeks before TD season 1 premiered I saw a news story about it on I think ET or Access Hollywood and even on then it was clearly stated the idea was for Matthew McCounahay and Woody Harrelson to star the first season BUT the next season would have new actors and characters. In other words it always planned as a anthology show before it officially aired. That was the first time I even heard about the show and why I remember it so well.

Now if you're saying you wish it was made only as a mini-series OK but I wasn't sure since you threw in the Wayward Pines example (also watched the first season of that and thought the season 2 premiere was OK but its early).

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Oh, I knew it was an anthology all along. That didn't bother me - in fact it was exciting. I'm just saying, anthology or not, S2 sucked donkey balls - and *that* tarnishes the entire TD name.


Oh ok, fair enough. I just wasn't sure and I cant disagree with your assessment. I didnt hate season 2 as much as others but yeah it did suck overall. But I didn't love season 1 like the others either and thought it was mostly OK and hated the finale of that season. So I'm not a huge lover or hater of either of the seasons although I think season 1 is miles better than season 2 regardless.

Marvel 2016: Agents of Shield, Agent Carter, Daredevil, Civil War, Dr. Strange, Luke Cage!








It was a very polarizing season, but I would say no for the simple fact that for every person that hated it, there was another that loved it, perhaps even more than S1.


I prefer the multilayered Neo Noir of Season 2 to the Actor's Workshop of Season 1. I'm watching 2 again and there are enough avenues to notice again.

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