MovieChat Forums > Elevation (2024) Discussion > When I grow up I want to be a strong ind...

When I grow up I want to be a strong independent woman!

That's the only thing I could think when I was watching this really crappy movie and was shown one super strong independent woman after another. I couldn't help but to laugh when Anthony Mackie behaves like a woman and is telling his wife how dangerous it is outside and his wife goes like nah it's fine bro you keep wearing the dress in this relationship while I take care of business.

Also whoever was in charge of weapons and training the crew in use of said weapons did everyone dirty. When in the beginning the butch "weapon specialist" woman from Texas fires his hunting rifle from her shoulder and it is waving around and she can't obviously keep it still and steady even for a millisecond only to yank on the trigger like it owes her money you can't help but to shake your head. Of course this is topped when she finds an underslung grenade launcher and shoots it from her hip and doesn't bother to aim in any way and still manages to hit a target a mile away. Again this is topped once again when they are in a mine and chased by one of the monsties and she just yells DUCK to her friends and shoots grenade launcher right at a mine(!). Sigh.

Also: trade your earthly treasures and valuables for an old box of macaroni and cheese. Get the last magazines of valuable AP rounds for free just because. Seems legit.



Fuck. You must really hate most movies nowadays, huh?


I was thinking about this the other day. Maybe this explains all the trans kids now.

When we were boys, we wanted to grow up and be Schwarzenegger or Stallone or Eastwood or Bronson. Modern little boys likely still have that innately masculine attraction to action movies, but the only available action movie role models in 2025 are women like Milla Jovovich and Charlize Theron.

To grow up like them, a boy would have to chop off his twig and berries and take estrogen shots.


When women decided that they disliked being women, they looked around for new role models and saw only men. Now we're supposed to believe that women are better at being men than men are. None of this will end well. Women were happier in the 1960s despite being given everything they wanted since.

I'm not watching any new movies or TV shows this year. They're all shit and full of ideological nonsense. I'm on the left, but I can't stand the woke and feminist bullshit. Stick with the old stuff - it's way better.
